Center Point Information Time Zone Abbreviation / Name CDT - Central Daylight Time UTC / GMT Offset -5:00 hours during Central Daylight Time, currently in use. Center Point Facts Country USA State Alabama Alternative Names Senter Pojnt, Sentr-Pojnt, sentara po'inta, sntr bwynt, s...
Malone FD, Wald NJ, Canick JA, Ball RH, Nyberg DA, Comstock CH, et al. Use of overall population, center-specific, and sono- grapher-specific nuchal translucency medians in Down syndro- me screening: which is best? (Results from the FASTER Trial). Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189:S232...
12, Pages 8790-8810: Relationship Between Tobacco Retailers' Point-of-Sale Marketing and the Density of Same-Sex Couples, 97 U.S. Counties, 2012 The reasons for higher rates of smoking among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people than among heterosexual people are not well known. Research...
acentreof population 人口密集区 牛津词典 Small towns in South India serve as economic and culturalcentresfor the surrounding villages. 印度南部的小城镇是周围村庄的经济文化中心。 牛津词典 The Democrats have become a party of thecentre. 民主党成了中立的党派。
AdvancedProductionTracepointOn AdvancedTracePointDisabled AdvancedTracePointEnabled AdvancedView Agregado AggregateAdvancedView AggregateCopy AggregateDesign AggregateDesignUndefined AggregateError AggregateWarning Aerógrafo AlignBottom AlignCenter AlignHorizontalStretch AlignLeft AlignMiddle AlignRight AlignToGrid AlignTop ...
Studies have shown that natural environments can enhance health and here we build upon that work by examining the associations between comprehensive greenspace metrics and health. We focused on a large urban population center (Toronto, Canada) and relate
Tan et al. (2018) have presented a best emission mitigation scenario in which the Chinese residential building sector reaches a turning point and achieves peak emission before 2030, while McNeil et al. (2016) have argued that effective building codes may help reduce residential building-related ...
A lot has been made of the gritty and rough and tumble streets of downtown Newark, and to a point that is a correct assessment. From a distance one sees shimmering skyscrapers, lit up at night, but travel the streets and it’s all a bit dreary and grimy. By contrast, the new Pruden...
del Pino et al. published extensively on a population with achondroplasia in Argentina, including growth curves for weight, height, head circumference [14] and height velocity [12, 13] using the LMS approach. Tofts et al. have published similar growth charts, with the addition of BMI, in ...
Whilst CKD metabolic bone disease represents several different histomorphometric phenotypes, the search did not identify studies specifically addressing this point. In 1426 men and women (mean age 67 y), reduced kidney function was associated with significantly lower TBS and a higher probability of ...