Peker Y, Durak E, Ozgurbuz U. Intragastric balloon treatment for obesity: prospective single-center study findings. Obes Facts. 2010;3:105–8.Peker Y, Durak E, Ozgurbuz U. Intragastric balloon treatment for obesity: prospective single-center study findings. Obes Facts 2010;3:105-8....
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Eur J Heart Fail. 2014 May;16 Suppl 2:366-99. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.94.doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2014.01.005C. MansuroluE. ÖrnekM. ÇetinE. KzltunçH. KundiA. BalunM. GökS. HüseynovaB. UurluF.V. UlusoyElsevier Inc.American Journal of Cardiology...
doi:10.1002/stco.201590004No abstract is available for this article.Steel Construction
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Circular parabolic quantum dots with repulsive off-center impurities: an SDFT study73.21.La71.15.MbAbstract Quantum dots (QDs) realized by etching or gate structures in a two-dimensional electron system may, under realistic conditions, contain an impurity atom which causes deviations of the electron...
heart transplantationlung transplantationmortalitybody mass indexleft ventricular ejection fractionBackground: Long-term survival after heart (HTx) or lung (LuTx) transplantation increases the risk for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). After HTx ESRD was reported to enhance mortality, and kidney ...
(1996) 2-Nitrosofluorene and N-hydroxy-2-aminofluorene react with the ubiquinone-reduction center (center N) of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex. FEBS Lett., 389, 233-237.Klohn P. C, Brandt U. and Neumann H. G. (1996). 2-Nitrosofluorene and N-hydroxy-2- aminofluorene react ...