table :创建一个表格;align="center" 表格对齐格式为置中;cellpadding ="1" 表格中单元格在原有基础上沿四边各加上1个点子宽度。cellspacing ="0" 表格中单元格之间的空白量(也可理解为左侧缩进)
<table align="center"> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </table> 和 <table> <tr> <td align="center"></td> </tr> </table> 这两个是不一样的,前者是表格居中,后者是单元格中的内容居中。
那是因为 align="center"并不是所有浏览器都能用,IE8本来就不遵守W3C标准,只用它自己的标准。你可以在body里加 margin:auto; 或者在table外面加个div 给div加margin:0 auto 样式就好了。你以后会知道很多标准就是被IE搞坏的。。。需要换很多浏览器测试 ...
text-align:center;是让文字居中,只对文字有效果。你要让table居中,可以试试margin:0px auto;并且是要加在table上。如果你要加给div,你要给div定义宽和高那么才起作用。
Is there no way to align the text in a table's columns? I have a few columns that are "Street Number" or "Total Sales Goal" and would like the number/data under it to be centered, instead of left aligned. I can't find anyway to accomplish this? Thanks! Labels: Need Help Messa...
How to align dropdownlist text? How to align print page size in How to allow "-" in Regular Expression with number only when number is decimal !? how to allow a textbox to accept only alphanumeric values but not any special char's in windows froms application How to allow flo...
But if you need to align text to the center of the page, whether it is vertical alignment or horizontal alignment, then you may be wondering where that setting is found. When you start typing in aWord documentthat is using the Normal template, all of the text that you enter will be le...
className: 'departmentTableOperation', } 需要加一个className,但是设置text-align:center需要加important,有什么更直接的办法吗 Member afc163 commented Aug 15, 2016 样式优先级提高。 th.xx, td.xx { text-align: center; } afc163 closed this as completed Aug 15, 2016 afc163 mentioned this issue...