The option is called col_align and can be specified either in the latexdict together with other LaTeX options or as a separate keyword. See Member hamogu commented Apr 9, 2015 The command would ...
{ + theme: 'nextra-theme-docs', + themeConfig: './theme.config.tsx', + staticImage: true, + latex: true, + flexsearch: { + codeblocks: false + }, + defaultShowCopyCode: true +}) + +export default withNextra({ + reactStrictMode: true, + eslint: { + // Eslint behaves...
it’s aligned to the left of the page. If we want to align thefontcentrally,we can however treat the text of the title like we would any other string in a LaTeX document: in particular, we can precede it with an alignment command such as\centering, which will then obtain the desired...