Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, sailed for Canada from his home country of Scotland the year prior to this census being taken. In 1871, he is recorded as living in Ontario with his parents, Alexander and Eliza, and his widowed sister-in-law, Caroline Ottaway. Both ...
CANADAINDIGENOUS ethnic identityRACECENSUSCOMMUNITIESACADEMIC librariesANTI-racismFinding data on race, racialized populations, and anti-racism in Canada can be a complex process when conducting research. One source of data is the Census of Canada which has been collecting sociodemographic data ...
Census of Lower Canada, 1831 Census of 1842, Canada East Census of 1842, Canada West Census of 1851 (Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) Census of 1861 Census of 1870, Manitoba Census of Canada, 1871 Federal Census of 1871 (Ontario) ...
Regular decennial censuses began in 1851 in Canada. The British North America Act of 1867 required that the census provide population counts for the apportionment of representation in the House of Commons among the four provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and for the pe...
The daughter of William McClaugh, and sister of William McGough, had been married as Jane McGough on May 31, 1842, in Southwold township, which was then in Middlesex county, Ontario, Canada. (See the entry on my page on the 1860 census under the name of Jane's husband, Waters Clark...