Set the Census API keyapikey
Census API. This allows it to operate over a large set of datasets and years, likely including many that don't exist as of time of this writing. It also integrates downloading and merging the geometry of geographic geometries to make plotting data and derived metrics simple and easy. Finally...
for key in dataset_obs: if isinstance(dataset_obs[key].dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype): dataset_obs[key] = dataset_obs[key].astype(dataset_obs[key].cat.categories.dtype) > assert len(dataset_obs) == len(ad.obs), f"{dataset.dataset_id}/{eb.name} obs length mismatch" E AssertionError: ...
As the detected sequences were derived from RNA, they probably did not originate from encysted apicom- Diversity of Amoebozoa: the neglected supergroup in plexans (Ruiz et al., 1973), but most likely from soil parasitized soil invertebrates. In addition to the above-mentioned negative biases ...
When asked about where the economy is headed, Xiong replied, “I am optimistic about the economy, because everyone I meet is working hard. As long as everyone is working hard, there’s no reason we can’t be optimistic.” But AAPI entrepreneurship is not limited to large corporations or...
statsKey str You may request a key for Census' statistics API here ✔** ✔** * : optional ** : optional for < 500 requests daily Geocoding (latitude/longitude -> FIPS code) With the exception of "microdata" statistics (not yet available via Census' API), all Census data is aggrega...
https://api.censusreporter.org/1.0/data/show/latest?table_ids=B01001&geo_ids=16000US5367000 This will return data for Spokane, WA, from the "Sex By Age" table, using the "latest" ACS release available. In this case, "latest" determines not only the year of release, but also the esti...
statsKeystrYou may request a key for Census' statistics APIhere✔**✔** *: optional**: optional for < 500 requests daily Geocoding (latitude/longitude -> FIPS code) With the exception of "microdata" statistics (not yet available via Census' API), all Census data is aggregated to geogr...
response = requests.post(request_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(apikey, None), json=request_obj) print(response.json()) ifname== 'main': main() ` Finally, can I pass in the request object a specific county and/or tract in order to perform the multi-step query effort. It does not look li...