THE MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC RESULTS OF THE CENSUS Since the founding of the PRC, seven population censuses have been carried out in the country. Since 1990, according to the Law On Statistics of the Peo- ple's Republic of China [2] and the Regulations on the National Census [3], a national ...
Results from Censuses Country Year Questions asked Answer categories – cut-off in bold Pre-valencea 1 Mauritius 2000 Does the person experience any disability (i.e. any limitation to perform a daily-life activity in a manner considered normal for a person of his/her age), because of ...
The values chosen are largely arbitrary, but the results do not change significantly when introducing more pronounced incentives for safe routes or without any incentive whatsoever. Fig. 3 displays the estimated travel time to the city centre for each cell and Fig. 4 displays the final routes ...
1 we compute a “land share” of house value two different ways, and determine the age of the housing structure at which these two methods stop producing similar results. The first (correct) method, the solid black line, computes land’s share of value as the ratio of the value of ...
1966: Compilation of the geologic map of French Guiana; methods and results Avulso - Divisao de Geologia e Mineralogia 41: 153-156 Lobova, T.A.; Mori, S.A.; Blanchard, Fédéric.; Peckham, H.; Charles-Dominique, P. 2003: Cecropia as a food resource for bats in French Guiana and ...
6. Results Item descriptives, measures of internal consistency, and Pearson correlations for sports-wagering behaviors are reported in. Across gambling behaviors, frequency was positively correlated with almost all other key measures, with effects ranging from very small (r=.06,p < .001, betw...
These results differ from others16 that did not consider the effect of aging of the population, future immigration patterns, future birth, and death rates. One explanation for the divergent results might be loss of lean body mass in an aging U.S. population, something reflected in the ...
We apply the procedure in Abowd (2021) with the exception that, as described in Hawes (2022), matching is performed based on the age group rather than the individual year of age. The results are as follows: In Block X, a match would be found for every individual and will result in ...
The results provide clear evidence of differences between census divisions, which implies that appropriate housing policies should be designed at the local (rather than at the federal) level.doi:10.1007/s11294-023-09868-9Guglielmo Maria Caporale...
“the reasons behind pharmacy siting decisions are rooted primarily in market forces and are not based on need[s] of the community”[16]. Our results in this analysis found that out of the 36 local health jurisdictions in Washington, 28 of them have a mean number of pharmacies per capita ...