第二种是上面设置将GX2SetGPUFence Skip(Hack)勾去掉尝试,第 分享2826 cemu吧 fishand 《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》按键设置推荐图 从网上下的有的设置错了,我就遇到将前行和投掷都设为W,结果一往前走丢东西 我还以为这个游戏就这样 后来才知道,Alt+Enter能将Cemu切换为窗口,在菜单的 Input Settings 设置输入键位...
where any changed graphic pack settings would get lost when updating graphic packs (#150)general: Added fallback for community graphic pack download in case cemu.info is down or unreachableGX2: Added support for accessing gl_PointCoord in shaders This makes stars in the night sky in BotW ...
[05:03:30] HLE: Patch BotW crash candidate at 0x038e46cc[05:03:31] HLE scan time: 63ms[05:03:31] --- Active settings ---[05:03:31] CPU-Timer: host-based[05:03:31] CPU-Mode: Dual-core recompiler[05:03:31] Load shared libraries: true[05:03:31]...
当前最新的 Cemu 2.0-25 已经解决了闪退 bug,但还是 Botw 需要删除缓存文件,否则依然闪退。 Cemu for MacOS 在这里下载 https://cotera.io/ 很多小伙伴估计下载了 Cemu 之后已经迫不及待的开始下载游戏了,但是,在这之前还有一些问题需要解决。比如: 36215 cemu吧 NICHOLAS_高 CEMU更新1.25以后原来的缓存包没有...
Open Cemu, go to Options > General settings. Under Game paths, click Add button and choose Zelda BOTW Files folder. Then close the setting window. Extract the file The Legend of Zelda BotW Update 1 5 0 v208 USA found in the Zelda BOTW Files folder. Go back Cemu, go to...
“17”,单击下方Apply,关闭窗口; 3、将cemu\controllerProfiles文件夹放到cemu目录下; 4、运行cemu\Cemu.exe,选择Options->Input settings,Profile下拉框选择mouse2joystick、Emulate Controller下拉框选择Wii U GamePad、Controller API选择DirectInput、Controller下拉框选择vJoy Device,单击窗口上方Load,关闭窗口; 5、运行...
Upscaling and downscaling options in the graphics settings now work correctly on Vulkan. Previously, the hermite and bicubic scaling options would only work on OpenGL and silently fall back to bilinear filtering on Vulkan Graphic pack support for custom scaling shaders has been reworked and is now...
2. 点击“Options”菜单,选择“Input settings”。3. 在“Input settings”界面中,选择“Emulate Controller”选项,然后选择“Wii U GamePad”。 分享回复赞 吧友互助吧 blue毛桃a3026 求助cemu模拟器塞尔达在哪下载 分享1赞 steamdeck吧 qq714810928 SD塞尔达cemu模拟教程,非emudeck此教程非纯无脑,需要一定动手能力...
You want to delete your settings for version X.Y.Z or you want to recreate them?: use "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop\Wii-U Games\CEMU\cemu_X.Y.Z\Delete my cemu_X.Y.Z's settings.lnk"; You want to add a game?: once in your games folder, create shortcuts to this game with one...
您将无法在CEMU上同时使用两种保存(CEMU和Wii-U的保存)进行播放 但是还有另一个限制(在等待CEMU处理与wii-u一样的保存文件时): SyncSaves_Cemu-WiiU无权访问CEMU安装(其中CEMU保存游戏统计信息)的settings.xml文件。 而且我不想这样做,因为: 这是在BatchFw中完成的, 并且给定的mlc文件夹可以是外部文件夹(CEMU的...