1、安装vJoySetup.exe ,去安装后的路径 C:\Program Files\vJoy\x64 打开vJoyConf.exe。更改Number of Buttons为25,不更改后面玩游戏会出错,有些按钮没反应。2、解压mouse2joystick_Custom_CEMU.zip后 a、右键mouse2joystick_Custom_CEMU.exe,兼容性里设置 以管理员身份运行此程序。防止出现问题。 b、将...
log: Reworked path printing to match the actual internal paths Cemu uses (for mlc, base game directory etc.) Also fixed log encoding issues with non-ANSI directory namesgfxPacks: Fixed several issues where replaced games files as part of a graphic pack would not be detected correctlyCPU: ...
() where depthbuffer->clearDepth was set to the incorrect valueGX2: Fixed crash caused by unsupported vertex/geometry shader modeGX2: Added experimental mode 'min' for game profile option 'accurateShaderMul' (see gameProfiles/example.ini for details)GX2: Modifying the 'accurateShaderMul' game ...
1、安装vJoySetup.exe ,去安装后的路径 C:\Program Files\vJoy\x64 打开vJoyConf.exe。更改Number of Buttons为25,不更改后面玩游戏会出错,有些按钮没反应。2、解压mouse2joystick_Custom_CEMU.zip后 a、右键mouse2joystick_Custom_CEMU.exe,兼容性里设置 以管理员身份运行此程序。防止出现问题。 b、将...
general: Fixed a bug where files would be created in/loaded from the wrong directory after the load file dialog.NFP: Added initial NFC supportScanning NFC tags works by loading a file via the menuGX2: New universal cache implementation for attribute, uniform and index dataAdditionally, there ...
log: Reworked path printing to match the actual internal paths Cemu uses (for mlc, base game directory etc.) Also fixed log encoding issues with non-ANSI directory names gfxPacks: Fixed several issues where replaced games files as part of a graphic pack would not be detected correctly ...
GX2: Fixed a bug leading to corrupted shader cache filesGX2: Rendering to SNORM textures is now correctly handled on Nvidia GPUsGX2: Fixed a bug in GX2ClearBuffersEx() and GX2ClearDepthStencilEx() where depthbuffer->clearDepth was set to the incorrect valueGX2: Fixed crash caused by ...
Updated default game profiles Decreased the latency of the H264 decoder by decoding frames asynchronously Windows: Re-enabled DPI awareness Fixed a crash that would occur when no audio devices are available Linux: Added wayland support Added support for storing MLC and game files on case-sensitive...
GB htt网p://game.a站li213.n点et/thread-6247297-1-1.html 游戏主体是(copy的标题)日版1.5.0+DLC3.0+官中+Cemu1.13.1d+Cemuhook0566+图形包+11K缓存+60帧+鼠标控制+手机重力+一键启动(其实雪 92331309 gpd掌机吧 realjoeeye CEMU更新1.16WIP13,Win2可以流畅运行赛尔达传说荒野之息了新更新了Vulkan的支持...
Oh another thing that might be useful to tell Jason is that went you hover your mouse over the Import in tools and hover it to the left to Rom-files steam games ect, the menu goes away before being fast enough to click it. Quote Lordmonkus Members 11.6k 4 Posted October 5, ...