The CEMiTool R package provides users with an easy-to-use method to automatically implement gene co-expression network analyses, obtain key information about the discovered gene modules using additional downstream analyses and retrieve publication-ready results via a high-quality interactive report. The...
为了确定可能与每个模块有关的生物学功能,CEMiTool能够获取用户提供的基因途径清单,并通过clusterProfiler R程序包执行超表达分析(ORA)。然后,CEMiTool将基于超几何检验报告针对每个共表达模块上富集的顶部基因集的调整后的p值负对数。WGCNA软件包中也可以通过userListEnrichment函数进行此分析,但是其输出以表格形式显示,而...
The CEMiTool R package provides users with an easy-to-use method to automatically implement gene co-expression network analyses, obtain key information about the discovered gene modules using additional downstream analyses and retrieve publication-ready results via a high-quality interactive report.Back...