Cement&ConcreteComposites In,uenceofinternalcuringusinglightweightaggregatesoninterfacialtransitionzonepercolationandchlorideingressinmortars DaleP.Bentz* BuildingandFireResearchLaboratory,NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology,100BureauDriveStop8615,Gaithersburg,MD20899-8615,USA ...
Degradation of passive film on 304 stainless steel in a simulated concrete pore solution under alternating temperature condition Xingguo Feng, Tong Wu, Jing-li Luo, Xiangyu Lu Article 103651 select article Effect of viscosity and shear regime on stability of the air-void system in self-consolidating...
Cement and Concrete Compositesis designed to reflect current developments and advances being made in the general field ofcement-concrete compositestechnology and in the production, use, and performance ofcement-based construction materials. The word cement is interpreted in a wide sense, … ...
Cement and Concrete Compositesis designed to reflect current developments and advances being made in the general field ofcement-concrete compositestechnology and in the production, use, and performance ofcement-based construction materials. The word cement is interpreted in a wide sense, … ...
Cement and Concrete Compositesis designed to reflect current developments and advances being made in the general field ofcement-concrete compositestechnology and in the production, use, and performance ofcement-based construction materials. The word cement is interpreted in a wide sense, … ...
Cement&ConcreteComposites Modi,cationofcement-basedmaterialswithnanoparticlesShihoKawashimaa,⇑,PengkunHoua(b)DavidJ.Corra,SurendraP.Shaha aDepartmentofCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering,NorthwesternUniversity,2145SheridanRoad(A236)Evanston,IL60208,UnitedStatesbCollegeofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,ChongqingUniversity,...
近日,我院博士生王攀奇在导师李晓光教授的指导下,以第一作者身份在建筑材料领域国际顶级期刊《Cement and Concrete Composites》(中科院1区TOP,IF=10.8)发表论文“Formation of calcium-aluminum-silicate-hydrate (C-A-S-H) in iron ore...
进一步引导水泥基材料低碳发展的方向,2022年5月,同济大学蒋正武教授发起作为专刊主编,在Cement & Concrete Composites期刊(2023IF=10.5)上筹备的国际首个低碳水泥基材料专刊——Low-Carbon Cement Composites(LCCC),专刊还邀请了得克萨斯大学奥斯汀...
Cement & Concrete Composites 25 (2003) 161–164 www.elsevier.com/locate/cemconcomp PII: S0958-9465(02)00063-X
Boulevard de la Woluwe 42, 1200 Brussels, Belgium Received 25 October 2004; accepted 25 May 2005 Abstract The search for durable and sustainable construction materials inspires the developments in the world of cement concrete, as well as in the world of concrete–polymer composites. Both worlds re...