or create your own stones (like runes). You can paint Ogham marks (to delineate each animal) on your stones, or paint pictures of the animals. Shake your stones, toss them out, and let the messages fly. You can always refer back here to these Celtic animal symbol meanings...
“Their armor includes man-sized shields decorated in individual fashion. Some of them have projecting bronze animals of fine workmanship. On their heads, they wear bronze helmets that possess large projecting figures lending the appearance of enormous stature to the wearer. In some cases, horns fo...
Let's be real: Whenever you meet someone, you check your zodiac compatibility. Smart, honestly. Whether you're a total Gemini, fiery Aries, emotional Pisces, or anything in-between, you know the importance of star signs. And that's why you're getting a trophy because we liked your post...
Let's be real: Whenever you meet someone, you check your zodiac compatibility. Smart, honestly. Whether you're a total Gemini, fiery Aries, emotional Pisces, or anything in-between, you know the importance of star signs. And that's why you're getting a trophy because we liked your post...
The Mortal World: Where you and I live along with plants and animals. The Celestial World: Where unseen energies live and move about. Like the forces of sun, moon, wind and water. An interesting side note – thenumberthree is a powerful energy for seemingly infinite reasons. ...
Let's be real: Whenever you meet someone, you check your zodiac compatibility. Smart, honestly. Whether you're a total Gemini, fiery Aries, emotional Pisces, or anything in-between, you know the importance of star signs. And that's why you're getting a trophy because we liked your post...
Let's be real: Whenever you meet someone, you check your zodiac compatibility. Smart, honestly. Whether you're a total Gemini, fiery Aries, emotional Pisces, or anything in-between, you know the importance of star signs. And that's why you're getting a trophy because we liked your post...