The Green Man, a symbolic figure deeply embedded in various cultures, is typically depicted as a man’s head made of foliage. This symbol is prevalent across many buildings and architectural structures in Ireland and Britain, symbolising rebirth and the intricate interdependence between humans and n...
It is an exceptionally old symbol that symbolises both harmony and balance, dating back to ancient Egypt,where the tree of life appeared on tombs. Possibly even predating the Celts. In modern times this Celtic symbol is used for decorations, tattoos and artwork. What is the main meanings of...
Celtic cross symbol signifies the bridge between heaven and earth. The circle in the ringed cross represents infinity and eternal spiritual love. Celtic knot symbol feature infinite loops that represents a never ending cycle of death and rebirth. Why do people get them? People get Celtic tattoos ...
The Ancient Celts and their spiritual mentors the Druids viewed life as a continuous cycle of birth-death-rebirth, for they understood that everything moved in…
Though Evans-Wentz and DawaSamdup collaborated only for three years, terminated by the death of the latter(1922), Evans-Wentz could make use of Dawa Samdup’s translations, publishingthem in the subsequent years. As has been variously stressed, despite of Evans-Wentz’claim to have been a...
The mirror held a special place in the mythology of Dionysus, who was a god of death and rebirth. Dionysus was therefore known as the ‘twice-born’ god whose first incarnation (Dionysus-Zagreus) was destroyed and who was subsequently returned to life in an act which granted him divine rede...
Appears in several stories in myths and legends in many cultures. In Celtic mythology it is a symbol of youthfulness and rebirth. The Ash Tree The ancient Irish believed the Ash tree had healing qualities and saw it as one of a trilogy of sacred trees, along with the Oak and the Hawthorn...
"The Red Dragon" or "Y Ddraig Goch" in Welsh, is the symbol of Wales and adorns its national flag. This dragon was featured on the legendary battle standards of King Arthur, the heathen Celtic gods and historic chieftains and kings. The Red Dragon was first brought to Great Britain during...
not having tusks, they are massively strong, able to shift large boulders and run at over 20 miles per hour. Thus the female wild boar is an ideal symbol for the Goddess as Sovereignty – protective of its territory, nurturing of its many piglets and a danger to all strangers when ...
The Green Man is often perceived as an ancient Celtic symbol. In Celtic mythology, he is a god of spring and summer. He disappears and returns year after year, century after century, enacting themes of death and resurrection, the ebb and flow of life and creativity. The Arthurian legend ...