FOCUSON THELEARNERASSIGNMENTPart One Anjou was born in Italy and speaks Italian. She has one brother and one sister. She enjoyed growing up there as she had a good social life. She spent a lot of doing physical activities. As a young child she regularly went swimming and played volleyball...
我使用关键词CELTA、 Assignment Focus on Learner 找到了所有相关的内容,注意认真阅读,有可借鉴的地方我就复制粘贴到文档里。这时,我在Notion(一款笔记应用)上建立了我的CELTA 学习日志,将论文1 所有相关的内容都整理在一个文档里。 尤其是优秀范文的参考,对我的论文修改起到了很大的帮助。对照优秀范文和自己的第...
教学设计、读前活动、读中活动、读后活动等;第二language related task从所给例文中选择两个词汇和两个语法点,做相应的语言分析及教学活动设计(英国两位小伙伴fail的就是这一assignment,我们才知道英国人从小到大是不学语法的);第三Focus on the learner从模拟学生中选取一位,师生之间进行详细地交流,老师对学生的学...
Assignment 1通过从一般到特殊,从群体到个体的逻辑,引导受训者关注学生的背景、兴趣、偏好、错误以及需求。 而令我印象最深的是,有次TP之后小组讨论时,我说自己老是echo what the learners said这个行为不好。本来老王觉得能自我剖析、自我反省就很足够了。 结果这时导师Adam反问一句 : “Why do you think it is...
1.1st Assignment-Language Analysis 2.2nd Assignment-Focus on the Learner 3.3rd Assignment-Skills Related Task(Reading Skills)4.4th Assignment-Self-evaluation of the CELTA Course PART THREE: Teaching Plans and Procedures of CELTA Teaching Practice 1.TP1 Reading and Speaking 2.TP2 Listening ...
CELTA参考书目,是指在CELTA课程进行期间会用到的书籍,全英文教辅书。在进行八次教学实践(Teaching Practice,TP)写教案,参考对应书目的对应章节,设计教案。以及写四篇论文(Writing Assignment, WA) 时,引用书里的方法论,完成论文。 这里有个重要信息,参考书目不需要逐字通读全书。
Candidate’s name Ismail Eyamba ___ Focus on the Learner 800 – 1000 words Use the following check list to ensure you have included everything in this assignment. Use this page as your cover sheet. Check that you have: stated...
The planning of, and reflection on, a one-to-one lesson The preparation of recommendations for the learner’s future language development Unit 4: Materials assignment, assessed through: Written rationale for the development of one piece of teaching material ...
Many trainees come on the CELTA course not knowing much about the English language and how it works. The non-native speaker teacher would have the advantage of having learnt about English grammar, lexis and pronunciation as an English learner a...
Many trainees come on the CELTA course not knowing much about the English language and how it works. The non-native speaker teacher would have the advantage of having learnt about English grammar, lexis and pronunciation as an English learner and are often better able to help learners with thes...