📧 写作任务1(Writing Task 1): 类型:考生需要撰写一封电子邮件,通常是向特定的人或团体提供信息、建议或请求。 要求:考生先阅读一个场景描述,然后根据场景描述撰写电子邮件。场景描述通常包含背景信息、问题或情况,考生需要根据提供的信息进行适当的回应。📝 写作任务2(Writing Task 2): 类型:考生需要写一篇文章...
可芮丝创建的收藏夹可芮丝内容:Celpip Writing Task 2 Tips,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
1Task 1 : Writing an Email写一封电子邮件 1Task 2: Responding to Survey Questions回答问题 口语:考试时间为15-20分钟 部分任务只有文字题干; 部分任务题干由文字和图片组成; 每道题目都有准备时间和作答时间; 口述内容将被录下并在考试结束后评分; Component format: Number of QuestionsComponent Sections 1...
9分标准(Task 1-4): youtube.com/ watch?v=Hu8SUojbhAA 9分标准(Task 5-8):youtube.com/watch? 9分mad English :先视频 后看书练习:youtube.com/@MadEnglish 了解试题类型 官网免费做1套(全长3小时 听力阅读写作) instructionalproducts.paragontesting.ca 做11套模拟题 查成绩 www.celpip.ca 编辑...
CELPIP Writing Task 2 - Survey Questions More June 30, 2022 City Council Survey CELPIP Writing Abandoned Land February 6, 2023 Sports Complex Development Survey CELPIP Writing October 4, 2022 Brain Drain Survey CELPIP Writing August 22, 2022 ...
写作练习 ✍️ 写作是我的强项,所以没有怎么准备。但还是把每套模拟题的两个writing task都写了一遍,主要是想练习如何论证。 总结 以上就是我备考思培CELPIP的一些心得和经验,希望能帮到你们!下一篇我会继续分享听说读每个部分的具体备考方法,敬请期待! 0 0 发表评论 发表 作者...
Task 1: Formal Letter Example 问题描述: 你看到一则关于英国网球课程的广告,但由于某些问题,你无法完成整个课程。写一封邮件给课程负责人,信中包括: 说明你对课程的兴趣; 描述你的问题; 询问是否可以退款。 Task 1: Sample (Formal): You saw an advertisement for a tennis course in England but you have...
The writing module of CELPIP requires a minimum of 300 words in task 1 and task 2 combined, whereas IELTS required minimum 400 words. [/wgl_custom_text] [wgl_double_headings title_size=”24px” title_line_height=”28px” title_color=”#00bda6″ subtitle_line_height=”16px” subtitle_...
To be sure, there is significant overlap between IELTS and CELPIP writing, particularly in terms of Task 1 (formal, semi-formal, or informal letter in both cases; approximately 20 minutes for IELTS, 27 minutes for CELPIP). However, there are real differences when it comes to Task 2. Candid...
1Practice Task 8Part 1: Listening to Problem Solving 5Part 2: Listening to a Daily Life Conversation 6Part 3: Listening for Information 5Part 4: Listening to a News Item 8Part 5: Listening to a Discussion 6Part 6: Listening to Viewpoints ...