Celotex PL4000 is an easy to install polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation board with a paper facing, laminated to a piece of 12.5mm tapered edge plasterboard. Available in thicknesses from 25mm to 65mm (insulation only), it can be considered for use in roof and internal wall lining applications....
As part of a holistic approach to upgrading, you will also want to consider building fabric, airtightness and controlled ventilation along with improvements in thermal performance. ForCelotex PL4000, the composite facing on the insulation board, behind the plasterboard layer, can form part of the ...
My question is this my house got flooded with 26,000 gallons of water from the inside out upstairs floor to the bottom for the insulation board got soaking wet almost through the whole house is just totally deteriorated 25 years old my Home I need to replace that for the water came from...
This article series gives the history and properties of Celotex® Thermax and other foam board insulating products. Page top photo: Celotex® Thermax sheathing board insulation. InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discus...