Terahertz WavesMicrocirculationAcute StressThe paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effect of irradiation with electromagnetic waves terahertz frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide and atmospheric oxygen on animals in a state of acute and chronic ...
1-4 We report the observation of hydrodynamic plasmons and energy waves in pristine graphene. Employing on-chip terahertz (THz) spectroscopy, we ascertain the THz absorption spectra of a graphene microribbon, alongside the energy wave propagation within graphene near charge neutrality. An observable ...
The objective of this chapter is to illustrate that an electromagnetic macro model can accurately predict the dominant component of the propagation path loss for a cellular wireless communication. The reason a macro model can provide accurate results that agree with experiments is because the trees, ...
It is shown that in the 15 minute exposure mode terahertz waves at frequencies of nitric oxide 150.176-150.664 GHz observed partial recovery of the changed parameters of homeostasis in stressed animals, and at 30 minute mode, the impact of these waves there is complete recovery of homeostatic ...
The effects of cell size, matrix, relative density, strain rate and testing methods on the mechanical properties of cellular media were systematically investigated through quasi-static mechanical testing and dynamic mechanical testing. The investigation on mechanical properties of cellular media under explos...
Ref. [6] presented an empirical model to investigate the effects of handover protocols and the degree of multi-connectivity on the delay and dependability of blockage-driven wireless networks. In contrast to any typical handover enhancement method, the authors in [7] established a ’deep-mobility...