We use the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) with an exact diagonalization as an impurity solver to effectively deal with the quantum fluctuations due to the local interactions. In order to characterize the paramagnetic metal-insulator transition in disordered systems, we compute the typical local ...
YUNG B K,KOTLIAR G,TREMBLAY A-M S.Quantum Monte Carlo study of strongly correlatedelectrons:cellular dynamical mean-field theory. Physical Review B Condensed Matter and Materials Physics . 2006YUNG B K,KOTLIAR G,TREMBLAY A-M S.Quantum Monte Carlo study of strongly correlated electrons:cellular ...
In this work, we use cellular dynamical mean field theory with the continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo solver to study the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model supplemented with an additional third-neighbor hopping term. For weak interactions, the third-neighbor hopping term drives a topological phase transition...
Here we address the interplay between d-wave superconductivity and Mott physics using the two-dimensional Hubbard model with cellular dynamical mean-field theory on a 2脳2 plaquette. Our approach is to study superconducting correlations from the perspective of a cluster quantum impurity model embedded...
We study the Hubbard model using the Cellular Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (CDMFT) with quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations. We present the algorithmic de... B Kyung,G Kotliar,A.-M. S. Tremblay - 《Physical Review B》 被引量: 68发表: 2006年 Thin film thermoelectric devices for hot-sp...
Cellular graphene foam dynamical compression >1 S/m >0.082 Pa (0.54 mg/cm3) 10 kPa−1 (0.54 mg/cm3)0.23 kPa−1 (5 mg/cm3) linear 10,000 <2 ms (20–600 Hz)<0.8 s (0.12–10 Hz) frequency-independent piezoresistive response up to 2000 Hz 123 Graphene foam compression 0.21 S/cm...
SELF-ORGANIZED CRITICALITYMEAN-FIELD THEORYUNIVERSAL COMPUTATIONGAME OF LIFEFREDKIN GATEDynamical systems with nonlocal connections have potential applications to ... W Li - 《Journal of Statistical Physics》 被引量: 93发表: 1992年 Cellular Automata and Complex Systems and Self-Organized CriticalitySugge...
(d) interaction of glutaraldehyde-treated (stiff) and nontreated (compliant) RBCs with DLD cylindrical posts [119]; (e) sorting of RBCs based on their dynamical properties [147]; and (f) deformability-based CTC isolation from whole blood based on a slanted weir [148]. Figures reproduced ...
These patterns suggest potentially important principles governing cortical computation, such as the dynamical organization of groups of neurons into feedforward loop motifs, and the adjustment of network modularity based on stimulus complexity. Beyond their relevance for basic neuroscience, these findings ...
Dynamical systems with nonlocal connections have potential applications to economic and biological systems. This paper studies the dynamics of nonlocal cellular automata. In particular, all two-state, three-input nonlocal cellular automata are classified according to the dynamical behavior starting from ...