CellTiter-Blue® Cell Viability Assay ProtocolPromega Corporation
产品名称: CellTiter-Blue? Cell Viability Assay .0 订购此产品 供应商: Promega 规格: 100ml 目录价: 2543 库存状态: 二周到货 CAS编号: 应用范围: 生化试验 种属来源: 相关信息: 说明 CellTiter-Blue® Cell Viability Assay(Cell Titer-Blue® 细胞活力检测) 提供了一种均质、荧光的方法来检测细胞...
目录价: ¥0.00 货号:G8081 名称:CellTiter-Blue® Cell Viability Assay 品牌:Promega 规格:100ml 购买数量: 立即购买 产品信息
CellTiter-Blue ® CellViabilityAssay 1.Description TheCellTiter-Blue ® CellViabilityAssayprovidesahomogeneous,fluorometricmethodforestimatingthenumber ofviablecellspresentinmultiwellplates.Itusestheindicatordyeresazurintomeasurethemetaboliccapacityof
产品介绍: 英文名称:CellTiter-Blue Cell Viability Assay 上海煊翎生物科技有限公司 联系电话: 021-80370006 13585899102 产品介绍: 英文名称:CellTiter-Blue Cell Viability Assay 北京百奥创新科技有限公司 联系电话: 010-5718533 13366620421 产品介绍: 英文名称:CellTiter-Blue Cell Viability Assay 上海盛兆...
CellTiter-Blue ® CellViabilityAssay INSTRUCTIONSFORUSEOFPRODUCTSG8080,G8081ANDG8082. PRINTEDINUSA. Revised6/09Part#TB317 tb317vfinal.qxp6/24/20093:28PMPagea otherk PromegaCorporation·2800WoodsHollowRoad·Madison,WI53711-5399USA TollFreeinUSA800-356-9526·Phone608-274-4330·Fax608-277-2516·...
The CellTiter-Blue™ Viability Assay is used to estimate the number of viable cells present in multiwell plates. It is suitable for both adherent and suspension cells. In my experiments, I am checking HUVAC cell proliferation after stimulation with VEGF analogs. This kit’s fluorescent signal ...
CTB assay (CellTiter-Blue ® ; Promega, Mannheim, Germany) and the DAPI assay (4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride; Carl Roth GmbH, ... S Klenow,BL Pool-Zobel,M Glei - 《Toxicology in Vitro》 被引量: 71发表: 2009年 Vitality of the MeWo melanoma cell line during intense na...
Promega CellTiter-Blue™ Cell Viability Assays Print Homogeneous, fluorometric cell viability assay (resazurin). Requires a 1- to 4-hour incubation. $303.00 - $838.00 Specifications Detection MethodFluorescence (preferred) or Absorbance For Use With (Application)Monitoring Cell Viability ...