Cells Tissues Organs aims at bridging the gap between cell biology and developmental biology and the emerging fields of regenerative medicine (stem cell biology, tissue engineering, artificial organs, in vitro systems, and transplantation biology). Cells Tissues Organs offers a rapid and fair peer rev...
JCR 影响因子(Impact factor), 5年期影响因子, 即年指数(Immediacy Index), 论文数量, 半衰期, 特征因子(Eigenfactor), 论文影响分值 [科研必备] 专业SCI论文修改服务: ★先修改后付款;☆语言问题免费重修;★24-72小时交稿; ☆正规财务发票;★一分钟下单;☆365日不间断服务 期刊全名 cells tissues organs 期刊...
Criticisms have been raised regarding the limited physiological similarity of these models to healthy or diseased human tissues [38], while animal models are also criticized for their prolonged testing period, high expenses, and ethical concerns. The prevailing consensus within the scientific literature ...
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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be isolated from almost all tissues and effectively expanded in vitro. Although their true in situ properties and biological functions remain to be elucidated, these in vitro expanded cells have been shown to possess pot
There is a need for in vitro three-dimensional (3D) models based on human cells that integrate external cues, such as those that result from various organ-specific extracellular matrix (ECM) components, soluble signals, mechanical stimulation, and cues from neighboring and distant tissues/organs. ...
Overall, at least three types of therapeutic strategies are considered when using stem cells. The first is stimulation of endogenous stem cells using growth factors, cytokines, and second messengers, which are able to induce self-repair of damaged tissues or organs. The second alternative is direct...
Vascular tissue engineering is a promising approach for regenerating damaged blood vessels and developing new therapeutic approaches for heart disease treatment. To date, different sources of cells have been recognized that offer assistance within the re
Cells Tissues Organs. 2003;174(3):101–9. doi:10.1159/000071150. Article PubMed Google Scholar Zuk PA, Zhu M, Mizuno H, Huang J, Futrell JW, Katz AJ, et al. Multilineage cells from human adipose tissue: implications for cell-based therapies. Tissue Eng. 2001;7(2):211–28. doi:...
ARE/poly(U)-binding/degradation factor 1 (AUF1). A regulatory protein that controls mRNA stability through its interaction with the adenosine- and uridine-rich regions of the target mRNA. Secretome All of the factors secreted by cells, tissues, organs and organisms in a given biological setting...