包装规格:1×10?cells/T25或1mL冻存管 用途:科研 货号:FY-24JY277 品牌:上海富雨 产地:进口/国产 是否进口:是 人成巨核细胞白血病细胞MEG-01相关产品报价更多> 产品标题价格产地公司名称更新日期 人成巨核细胞白-血病细胞MEG-01电议上海VIP3年上海科博瑞生物科技有限公司2025-02-26询价 ...
包装规格:1×10?cells/T25或1mL冻存管 用途:科研 货号:FY-24JY184 品牌:上海富雨 产地:进口/国产 是否进口:是 色素相关产品报价更多> 产品标题价格产地公司名称更新日期 白色素(白色素色素)¥30/千克VIP9年南京松冠生物科技有限公司2025-03-12询价
6.RS直接抑制小鼠类巨噬细胞的体外迁移:使用RAW264.7细胞的体外迁移试验研究了RS对巨噬细胞迁移的直接影响。如图所示,当RS未处理细胞的孵育时间从4h增加到 24 h时,迁移细胞的数量增加。而用RS(10µg/mL以上)处理过的细胞的迁移在4h后明显受到抑制,表明RS可直接作用于巨噬细胞,降低其迁移能力,从而抑制动...
细胞产品包装:复苏形式:T25培养瓶(一瓶)或冻存形式:1ml冻存管(两支) MLTC-1 Cells|小鼠睾丸间质细胞瘤贴壁细胞 细胞传代方法:1:2-1:3传代;每周换液2-3次。 目前,跟公司签订长期战略合作伙伴的科研单位有山西中医学院、福建医科大学附属第二医院、上海市第六人民医院、北京大学医学部、同济大学、四平中心医院...
(1 μg/mL). Doxycycline was sustained for 10 days during the maturation step. After maturation, the bulk blood cells were assessed for T lineage generation potential. For in vivo T cell regeneration, the single iHEC-derived bulk hematopoietic cells (day 10) were transplanted into individual ...
中文名称:LA-N-1 Cells|人神经母细胞瘤细胞系英文名称:LA-N-1 Cells 保存条件:低温避光纯度规格:1x10(6)viable cells/ml 产品类别:实验化学品 "LA-N-1 Cells|人神经母细胞瘤细胞系 细胞背景资料:神经母细胞瘤;骨髓转移;男性 细胞形态:上皮细胞样 ...
and shNFIB cells at day 0 and day 5) was next conducted to determine if the genes affected by KDM4D depletion overlapped with those deregulated by NFIB or MLL1 knockdown, particularly those associated with adipogenic differentiation, such as Pparg and Cebpa (log2 FC > 1 and FDR <...
After lentiviral packaging with HEK293T cells, cells were infected with lentiviruses and selected by incubation with 2 μg/mL puromycin for 3 days. For transfection of RNASEH1 D210N mutant construct, cells were transfected with ppyCAG_RNASEH1_D210N_V5 plasmid (Addgene, MA, USA, 111904) ...
Artificially Intelligent - Introducing Apache Spark ML Fluent Design - Using Fluent: Swipe Gesture Action and Connected Animations Cutting Edge - Discovering ASP.NET Core SignalR Visual Studio for Mac - Programming for watchOS with Xamarin and Visual Studio for Mac ...
Cells were grown at a density of 1 × 105 cells in 12-well flatbottomed microtiter plates. After treatment without DHA or with DHA for 12, 24, and 48 h, cells preincubated with 1 ml DMEM were collected and washed with PBS three times. Cells in 1 ml PBS were stained with 1 μM ...