1、 产品主要特点: A、高转速、高扭矩:转速可达24000r/min, 了加工的技术要求; B、高寿命:内置采用德国SKF或FAG陶瓷轴承,降低了主轴发热量,减小了阻力,提高了主轴的使用寿命和使用精度保障。 C、使用方便,可与不同厂家的系统、驱动控制无缝对接。 D、更有贴心环喷工件冷却设计,使工件达到360°的冷却效果,从而...
Dihydroartemisinin (DHA), a semi-synthetic derivative of artemisinin, isolated from the traditional Chinese herb Artemisia annua, is recommended as the first-line anti-malarial drug with low toxicity. DHA has been shown to possess promising anticancer ac
A-431细胞在抗胸腺细胞球蛋白、血清处理的NIH瑞士小鼠中形成类似于恶性黑素瘤快速增长的皮下,在普通成纤维细胞和琼脂上形成克隆。A-431细胞是一个超三倍体人细胞株。 生物安全等级 1 生长培养基 DMEM+10% FBS+1% P/S 推荐传代比例 1:3-1:4 推荐换液频率 2~3次/周 倍增时间 ~80-100小时 冻存...
Dog mastocytoma cells produce transforming growth factor-β1 Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) promotes deposition of extracellular matrix and is associated with fibrotic conditions both in experimental animals and in humans. Although a role for mast cells has been suspected in the pathog.....
产品名称:J774A.1 (小鼠单核巨噬细胞) (种属鉴定正确) 规格:1×10cells/T25培养瓶 分类:细胞系 别称J-774A.1; J774.A1; J774 A1; J774A.1; J 774A.1; J774 A.1 型号:YLS-X0368 种属 小鼠 年龄(性别) 成年 组织来源 巨噬细胞 生长特性 贴壁细胞,不用胰酶消化 ...
objImportSheet.Cells(i,1) 保留一位小数例如117885.0 objImportSheet.Cells(i,2)科学计数 例如-5.400E-03objImportSheet.Cells(i,3)科学计数例如 3.252E-02objImportSheet.Cells(i,4) 科学计数例如 1.000E+00objImportSheet.Cells(i,5) 例如0.000E+00 ...
In this study, we sought to determine the importance of PGC-1α-mediated changes in mitochondrial function for the NK cell immune response. In vivo activation of NK cells augmented transcription of genes associated with mitochondrial function and significantly upregulated a set of known PGC-1α ta...
近日,山西医科大学解军教授团队与加拿大多伦多大学健康网路(UHN)李仁科教授团队合作,依托山西医科大学出生缺陷与细胞再生山西省重点实验室和煤炭环境致病与防治教育部重点实验室在国际学术期刊Stem Cells上发表题为Uterine Immunoprivileged Cells Res...
Lead Mixed Halide Perovskites (LMHPs), CsPbBrI2, have attracted significant interest as promising candidates for wide bandgap absorber layers in tandem solar cells due to their relative stability and red-light emibion with a bandgap 锝 1... M Alanazi,A Marshall,S Kar - 《Journal of Physica...