2.5.6Cell-cell interaction In the computational analysis of single-cell non-spatial data,cell-cell interactionshave traditionally been investigated at the resolution of cell clusters or cell types, drawing upon established ligand-receptor databases[8,232]. The incorporation of spatial information, as ...
1) cell-cell interaction 细胞相互作用 例句>> 2) Intercellular interaction 细胞间相互作用 1. Methods The model of intercellular interaction between mesangial cells and endothelial cells of diabetic nephropathy was established and divided into 3 groups: control,high glucose and intervented with TPs. ...
Uncovering hypergraphs of cell-cell interaction from single cell RNA-sequencing data. Preprint at bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/566182 (2019). This is the first work using tensor decomposition for inferring CCIs from gene expression. Article Google Scholar Kim, Y. & Choi, S. in 2007 IEEE...
必应词典为您提供cellinteraction.的释义,un. 细胞相互作用; 网络释义: 细胞间相互作用;细胞间相互影响;细胞间的作用;
A systematic evaluation of the computational tools for ligand–receptor-based cell–cell interaction inference. Brief. Funct. Genomics 21, 339–356 (2022). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Ma, F. et al. Applications and analytical tools of cell communication based on ligand–...
interpersonal interaction 人际交往 相似单词 interaction n.[U,C] 相互影响,相互作用 cell n.[C] 1.小房间(如修道院里的密室或狱中的牢房) 2.(蜂房的)巢室 3.电池 4.细胞 5.(尤指革命的)政治活动小组 β cell 乙细胞 γ cell 丙细胞 cross interaction 【化】 交叉-相互反应 self interaction...
Cell Interaction. Edited by: Sivakumar Gowder. ISBN 978-953-51-0792-7, PDF ISBN 978-953-51-5327-6, Published 2012-10-10
Cell–cell communications in JEV-infected mouse brain.A,BCircle plot showing the number of interaction (A) and interaction strength (B) of different cells in brain. The line thickness represents the number and the strength of signaling. The red lines represent JEV-infected mouse brain and blue...
Cell–cell interaction analysis To infer cell–cell interaction within the spatial context, we utilized the SpaTalk R package [83]. Firstly, we created a SpaTalk object using the createSpaTalk function. Subsequently, the dec_cci function was applied with default parameters to identify ligand-recep...
MESSI (Mixture ofExperts forSpatialSignaling genesIdentification) is a predictive framework to identify signaling genes active in cell-cell interaction. It jointly models gene interactions within and between cells, using the recently developed spatial single cell expression data. MESSI combines the ability...