The built-in cell type marker database was used as the reference for all ScType annotations. Manually annotated cell types were treated as cell clusters and given as inputs to ScType. ScType directly generates cluster-level cell type annotations. CellMarker2.0 CellMarker2.0 (ref. 13) only ...
Cell type markers for each cell type were collected from previously published literature30,88,89,90,91 and the CellMarker database92. Cell type identity inference In general, lung cells were annotated based on the overall transcriptomic similarity with the reference data set and were combined with...
一张图总结一下CellMarker 2.0数据库概况:👇 3CellMarker 2.0 更新亮点 本次更新的亮点如下:👇 新增36300个tissue-cell type-marker条目、474个组织、1901个细胞类型和4566个marker; 新增48种测序技术分类的细胞marker,包括10×Chromium、Smart-seq2和Drop-seq等; 新增29种细胞Marker,包括蛋白编码基因,lncRNA和p...
大家可以通过选择物种、组织和输入基因来定义细胞类型,这里我们以人类的血液为例,heatmap显示输入的基因出现在哪些细胞类型的marker中,以及这些细胞类型的得分。🥳 2️⃣ 这个Score的计算是这样得来的:👇 CellTypeScorei=AB Note !其中A代表输入基因与细胞类型i中Marker基因的交集数,B代表细胞类型i中Marker基因...
5. data(example_marker_mat) # 计算细胞标准化因子(示例数据已经包含该部分信息,如果是新数据,需要重新计算。推荐使用scran包中的computeSumFactors 函数。注意:在计算标准化因子之前最好不要对表达矩阵的基因进行筛选 6. # example_sce <- computeSumFactors(sce) ...
We curated a comprehensive cell marker database named scMayoMapDatabase and developed a companion R package scMayoMap, an easy-to-use single-cell annotation tool, to provide fast and accurate cell type annotation. The effectiveness of scMayoMap was demonstrated in 48 independent scRNA-seq dataset...
The average expression of cell type marker genes in eight different cell types; D. UMAP plot represents the final identified eight cell types from (different colors represent different cell types) 14 BC patients; E. The expression of the top five highly expressed genes in each cell type; F....
# 确定了行名metadata 的行名和 count 矩阵 的列名相等 identical(colnames(,rownames(metadata)) 接下来就是基因的处理, 按照上面说的步骤: 1. 剔除外源基因,然后构建 seurat 对象 2. 计算线粒体基因(有没有都算就行了) 3. 计算核糖体基因 ...
http://localhost:17435/notebooks/shared_dataset/zhixin/2023_Hickey_Snyder_human_Intestine_Nature/data_preparation.ipynb#cell-type-find-mapping 我称之为fine mapping 用一个旧model(旧marker)来预测一个新数据,大概率会有错误预测的部分。 我们可以根据预测来重新鉴定新marker,基于此marker来用新数据预测新数据...
We validate a combinatorial marker code for each neuronal cell type and map their spatial distributions in the adult spinal cord. We also show complex lineage relationships among postnatal cell types. Additionally, we develop an open-source cell type classifier, SeqSeek, to facilitate the ...