Cell tracking dyes are non-toxic, stable probes that allow for cell movement and localization studies in live cells. CellTracker (short-term) and Qtracker (long-term) are passively loaded into cells and retained through several generations but not transferred to adjacent cells. These cell tracking...
Spectral characteristics of the fluorescent CellTracker probes: CellTracker Blue CMAC—353/466 nm CellTracker Blue CMF2HC—371/464 nm CellTracker Blue CMHC—372/470 nm CellTracker Violet BMQC—415/516 nm CellTracker Green CMFDA—492/517 nm CellTracker Green BODIPY™—522/529 nm CellTracker ...
产品信息:Thermo fisher原装正品,大包装拆开单卖,50μl /支,单支特价550元。懋康生物长期现货供应,欢迎咨询,QQ:2971634497,或电话:021-54736159。 品牌 产品名称 产品编号 规格 价格(元) InvitrogenER-Tracker™ Blue-White DPX, for live-cell imagingE1235350µl550 ...
E0771/mCherry-luc2 cells (2 × 104 cells / well) were labeled with 2 μmol/L CellTracker® Green (Thermo Fisher Scientific) for 30 min. After washing with PBS, the cells were seeded in the top filters with 8‐μm‐pore FluoroBlok (Corning, Corning, NY, USA), and then the to...
(900622, Sigma-Aldrich) in PBS and the gel was polymerized with an ultraviolet lamp. BT21 target cells were prestained with CellTracker Blue CMAC Dye (C2110, Thermo Fisher, Invitrogen). Transgenic T cells and BT21 target cells were resuspended in 100% FBS (10270106, Thermo Fisher, Gibco) ...
Table 1. Results of Cell Tracker Benchmark Movie (GT #COMP)Cell TrackerSegmentationTrack Linking SEG%CORR_STRA#COMP#MIS_T%CORR_T MCF10A-1 (453) large scale EllipTrack w/ corr 0.7148 96∗ 0.9367∗ 324∗ 0.63∗ 55∗ EllipTrack w/o corra 0.7168 96∗ 0.9336 105 7.68 1 Baxte...
我们使用MitoTracker染料和流式细胞术评估线粒体功能(图4G)。 P4HA1基因敲除或DPCA处理改善了健康线粒体的比例,同时减少了功能失调的线粒体(图4H和4I)。 值得注意的是,与分选后的PD-1+TIM-3+ CD8+ T细胞表型分析一致(补充图S4A),在反复刺激后添加DPCA处理无法恢复其线粒体功能(补充图S5A),但可以在进一步...
Human and mouse neutrophils were stained with CellTracker™ Green CMFDA (#C2925; ThermoFisher Scientific). Time-lapse microscopy studies Isolated and stained neutrophils (75,000 cells/mL) were added to the adult microglia cultures at 7DIV. Automated multiposition live cell imaging was carried ...
CellTracker dyes are better for longer-term labeling, as they possess a mildly reactive chloromethyl moiety that allows covalent binding to cellular components. CFDA SE also covalently binds to cellular components. With all the reagents, their retention within cells is dependent upon the rate of ...
CellTracker™ CM-DiI 是一种非常适合监测细胞运动或位置的荧光染料。此染料保留良好,因此可对细胞运动进行多代追踪。红色激发/发射光谱适用于使用绿色荧光染料和蛋白的多通路技术。是否需要不同的发射光谱或更长时间的追踪?查看我们的其他哺乳动物细胞示踪产品。•易于使用—去除培养基,添加染料,孵育30分钟,进行细胞...