function str=cell2str(cel) % 输入cell类型矩阵表格,返回str类型矩阵表格 %将cell数据类型转化为str类型 % 想法:用元组读取xlsx写入文本,读取文本格式是string,再用split根据分隔符进行分割string %把a写入ing.txt文本中 writecell(cel,'ing.txt','Delimiter','|') % 分隔符必须为以下字符之一: ' '、'\t'...
matlab中cell转换成string 文心快码BaiduComate 在MATLAB中,将cell数组转换为string数组通常不直接使用cell2mat函数,因为cell2mat主要用于将cell数组中的数值元素转换为矩阵,且要求cell数组中的所有元素都是同类型的数值。对于cell数组中存储的字符串(实际上是char数组)或其他非数值类型,直接转换为string数组需要采用其他方法...
算法一: 通过读写文件, 主要思路是将cell类型矩阵转换为str类型矩阵. 使用writecell函数将矩阵写入名为ing.txt的文本文件, 指定分隔符为“|”. 然后, 通过readlines函数读取文件内容到一个string变量a. 使用split函数将a中的每一行字符串按照“|”分割, 结果保存为str矩阵变量. 最后, 删除生成的ing.t...
Matlab中cell类型转换为string类型 在matlab中调用strcat()函数获得的是一个cell类型的变量,而不是string类型。这是如果我们直接把这个cell类型的变量,传递到其他函数中作为string类型使用,就是出现问题,下面是一个例子: names={'fyc','hy','ljg','lqf','lsl','ml','nhz','rj','syj','wl','wq','wyc...
cell is a (1*20) string. I want to convert this cell to string. when I use string function, it reported an error as "Conversion from cell failed. Element 1 must be convertible to a string scalar.". I have no idea why it can't convert as the string function described in Matlab. ...
Open in MATLAB Online Azzi showed you how toextractthe string from a cell. Another way is toconvertthe cell with char(): ca={'line'}% This is our cell array. str = char(ca)% Convert it to a character array (string). Net, both give the same result, just different ways of getting...
In MATLAB Online öffnen ThemeCopy YourCell = {'test'}; string = YourCell{1}; worked perfectly... just need to pay attention to the curly brackets for the variable "string" to be returned as a string. Otherwise, it was returned as a cell (which sprint() does not work on). Meld...
you can do a "for" loop to get string value of each element of the last cell like that:
CamTime = CamName(2:end,2); a = cell2mat(ImageTime); a2 = a(:,2:end); ImageTime = cellstr(a2); b =cell2mat(CamTime); b2 = b(:,2:end); CamTime = cellstr(b2); === cell2mat(ids(1)) 能够将 转换为
Open in MATLAB Online Download Overview Functions Version History Reviews(6) Discussions(0) STR = CELL2STR(CELLSTR) converts the 2-D cell-string CELLSTR to a MATLAB string so that EVAL(STR) produces the original cell-string. Works as corresponding MAT2STR but for cell array of strings ins...