us what type/class the data are in your cell array, and also do not give us any indication of their size, but simply write "I would like to convert the values in the 1,n cell to a matrix of strings". If we assume that the "values" are numeric arrays, then you will need to ...
cell is a (1*20) string. I want to convert this cell to string. when I use string function, it reported an error as "Conversion from cell failed. Element 1 must be convertible to a string scalar.". I have no idea why it can't convert as the string function described in Matlab. ...
{:}), '%f*'); end; toc >> 0.14 sec tic; for i=1:1000; N = sscanf(CStr2String(C, '*'), '%f*'); end; toc >> 0.071 sec To my surprise a full implementation in C is *slower* than |sscanf(sprintf())|, see . Matlab's sscanf seems to be much better than the MSVC ...
how to identify if array is a string? 1 个回答 整个网站 Recursively check fields of a structure exist File Exchange ternary_plots File Exchange HDF5 Read/Write Cellstr Example File Exchange 类别 MATLAB Language Fundamentals Data Types Data Type Conversion 在Help Center 和File Exchange 中查...
运行正常!y=[6.35 6.20 6.22 6.66 7.15 7.89 8.72 8.94 9.28 9.8];w=[1/6;2/6;3/6];m=length(y);n=3;for i=1:m-n+1 yhat(i)=y(i:i+n-1)*w;end yhat err=abs(y(n+1:m)-yhat(1:end-1))./y(n+1:m)T_err=1-sum(yhat(1:end-1))/sum(y(n+1...
Conversion Notes Sample Input Sample Output string Converts each element to a character vector and assigns it to a cell. IfAis empty,"", the output is a cell containing anempty character array, a 0-by-0 character vector. 1×1 string array "foo" ...
你自己对比一下V(i,j)=[...]; 和上一段正常的程序中seg(row,col) = {A(...)};看出问题了吧。改成V(i,j)={[...]}; 或者V{i, j} = [...]; 也是可以的。因为V(i,j)是一个cell,不能赋给它一个矩阵。M = [...]; 之所以是正确的是因为M这样就被定义成了一个矩阵。
t=t+std2(B(i,j));这句有错 改为 t=t+std2(B{i,j})同理 下面的if std2(B(m,n))<t改为if std2(B{m n})注意 B(i,j)表示的是一个元胞 B{i,j}表示的是元胞中的元素 由于没有你的图片,没有检验过,不知道还是否有其他错误 ...
0 링크 번역 MATLAB Online에서 열기 I need help! I am using the code below to insert values from a text file. The values for this particular part of the text file contain, numbers and string characters. I keep getting a conversion to double from cell not possible error. ...
matlab运行程序后中出现??? Conversion to cell from double is not possible. Error in ==> Untitled2 at 5 yhat(i)=y(i:i+n-1)*w;程序是y=[6.35 6.20 6.22 6.66 7.15 7.89 8.72 8.94 9.28 9.8];w=[1/6;2/6;3/6];m=length(y);n=3;for i=1:m-n+1 yhat(i)=y(i:i+n-1)*w;...