然 后呢,你想把这个细胞型文件转成矩阵,数据类型变成double,最简单的思维方式就是cell2mat,先转成string,然后再str2num就好 了。很可惜,在matlab里面,cell2mat是默认要求你的矩阵的大小是统一的,可是这里呢,‘8’的长度是1,‘14’的长度是2,所以转换的时 候就会出问题,就会出现错误提示。 >> cell2mat(a) ??
Some cells have more than one number. I would like for the second number to go in the second row, third number in third row, etc. I am not sure how to do this. I am guessing I need to make a zeros matrix or something but I am not sure...
%[1,1,1] matrix=[]; lenght=[]; fori=1:6 [~,c]=size(YY{i});% the cell matrix length=[length c];% length of each element in cell s=YY{i};% variable matrix=[matrix s]; end length=length'; althoughyou can show the code...
how to convert cell to matrix 0 件のコメント サインインしてコメントする。 回答(1 件) Youssef Khmou2013 年 3 月 23 日 0 リンク 翻訳 MATLAB Online で開く hi, try cell2mat : M=cell(4); M{1}=4; P=cell2mat(M), 0 件のコメント ...
0 링크 번역 댓글:Antoine van Hirtum2018년 6월 12일 symboliccelltomatrix.m How to convert Symbolic Cell to Matrix Double on which I can perform calculations and which I can plot? The cell2mat function does not seem to work. Thanks for your help. syms R;%Radius Pi = sym...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Thx guys i did it, you can use this for rectangular cells to rectangular matrix. If your cell have cells lıke; eg: 2x3 cell; 6x6 sym 6x18 sym 6x12 sym 6x6 sym 6x18 sym 6x12 sym to 12x36 matrix ...
So I'm having an issue adjusting this function to work with my actual dataset and it may be because I still don't understand the function quite right. (See answer to my original question here -http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/24527-reshape-cell-to-matrix) ...
1.matlab-c++混合编程常用API https://zlearning.netlify.com/communication/matlab/matlabcmexapi 2.c++读取matrix类型数据 利用matlab产生一个5*3矩阵,利用c++读取其中位置为(row,col)的值,同时c++向matlab传递一个新矩阵。生成的随机矩阵如下: 产生上述数据的代码如下(在运行下面代码之前需要先在matlab控制台运行mex...
ryzen计算矩阵乘法真的慢吗看国外一个老哥的帖子,https://www.reddit.com/r/matlab/comments/776h65/ryzen_1600_poor_matrix_multiplication_performance/ 说ryzen 1600 计算矩阵乘法特别慢,吧里有没有用matlab的老哥帮忙跑一下,看看,最好是1700,最近想装台电脑,工作经常用matlab,如果矩阵计算有问题的话,就不能...
Open in MATLAB Online I have the following matrix and I want to convert it in cell array of string. Please help me with this issue. ThemeCopy A=[-1; -3; -5; -5; -6; -7; -9; -3; -7; -9; -8; -9; -10] 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Sign in to answe...