一、CELL TO DOUBLE USING CELL2MAT Cell数组转化为Double数组的常用方法是cell2mat函数。应用这个函数的基本步骤如下: % 假设C是一个Cell数组,每一个元素都是相同大小的Double型数组 C = {1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6}; % 使用cell2mat函数将其转化为Double型数组 D = cell2mat(C); 在这个例子中,C是一个2×3的...
% 创建一个cell数组 cellArray = {1, 2, '3', 4, 5}; % 创建一个空的double数组 doubleArray = []; % 遍历cell数组 for i = 1:numel(cellArray) % 检查元素的数据类型是否可以转换为double if isnumeric(cellArray{i}) % 将元素转换为double并将其添加到double数组 doubleArray = [doubleArray, ...
在MATLAB中,您可以使用cell2mat()函数将cell数组转化为double数组。 以下是一个例子: % 创建一个包含不同数据类型的cell数组 C = {1, 'hello', [2,3,4], 'world'}; %将cell数组转化为double数组 D = cell2mat(C); 复制代码 在上述例子中,cell2mat()函数将cell数组C转化为double数组D。最终的结果是一个...
How can I convert this to a double array? This is the only way that I have figured out how to do this but eval does not work with my data size. A = cell2mat(C) eval(['data = 'A]) Walter Robersonon 13 Dec 2024 Open in MATLAB Online ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi, Haw to change this maglev data cell to maglev data double ? maglevInputs: {1x4001 cell} maglevTargets: {1x4001 cell} TrainInputs: {2801x1 cell} TrainTargets: {2801x1 cell} TestInputs: {1200x1 cell} ...
Matlab之cell使用 1.声明 (1) DataCell = cell(1,N); (2) DataCell{N} = []; 如何赋值呢? a{1,1}=rand(5) 那么a的1行1列的单元中存储的就是一个随机的5×5的方阵了。 那么要用第一个单元中的方阵中的某个值呢? 可以如下引用:a{1,1}(2,3)...
リンク 翻訳 閉鎖済み:MATLAB Answer Bot2021 年 8 月 20 日 hi! i've a little problem with a .csv file.. i needed to convert and join some elements of many .csv files, to get a statistic analysis. in this files there are both numbers and characters. with a little code, i saved ...
I don't understand how MATLAB makes its choice. Sometimes the column is in cell while there are only integers (?), sometime the column is in cell (or in double) for only few MD/NA codes, sometimes the colum is in double with a majority of nan (for empty cells or MD/NA codes)....
cell2mat将c..在运行程序时出现“错误使用 cat,串联的矩阵的维度不一致”’。经过检查发现是cell2mat将一个1*4的cell矩阵转化成double矩阵时出现的。但是单步调试的时候是不报错的,整体运行程序就有这