CELL TECHNOLOGIES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Stem Cells of Small Intestinal EpitheliumVedina, L ASennikov, S VTrufakin, V AKozlov, V A
Transplantation of human mesenchymal multipotent stromal cells improved spatial memory in bulbectomized mice with Alzheimer-type neurodegeneration. The positive effect was observed in 1 month after intracerebral transplantation and in 3 months after systemic injection of mesenchymal multipotent stromal cells....
Translated from Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine (Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine) Published: April 2006 Volume 141, pages 520–523, (2006) Cite this article Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Aims and scope ...
which are categorized into stable, linear, and branching evolution of myeloma clones [27,28]. The major queries are how these subclones arise and how they are selected. As a consequence of current bulk sequencing methods, the answer is certainly equivocal and more powerful technologies are needed...
Recent developments in single-cell technologies have increased our understanding of how the coordinated activities of transcription factors in different quiescent cells and differentiated cells maintain reversible cell cycle arrest. Mithun Mitra Sandra L. Batista ...
Modern science is becoming highly multidisciplinary to promote the innovation of new theories and technologies. Synthetic biology (SB) is one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic multidisciplinary fields comprising different projects, approaches, and definitions.1,2,3SB applies engineering principles to...
Our research focuses on understanding and ultimately controlling the fate of the transplanted stem cells in the body (i.e. where they go and what they do biologically and therapeutically), which will lead to more effective and safer clinical medicine. Furthermore, we are developing diagnostic ...
Ji Weizhi, a noted biologist and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said China spearheading and publishing the new international standard signals that the country has become one of the global front-runners in the field, especially in basic sciences and some technologies. ...
摘要:Deciphering the cell-state transitions underlying immune adaptation across time is fundamental for advancing biology. Empiricalin vivogenomic technologies that capture cellular dynamics are currently lacking. We present Zman-seq, a...
Single-cell omics approaches provide high-resolution data on cellular phenotypes, developmental dynamics and communication networks in diverse tissues and conditions. Emerging technologies now measure different modalities of individual cells, such as genomes, epigenomes, transcriptomes and proteomes, in additi...