[2]OU J P,SOONG T T,et al.Recent advance in research on applications of passive energy dissipation systems[J].Earthquack Eng,1997,38(3):358-361. C:论文集中的析出文献 [序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名[A].原文献主要责任者 (可选).原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码 [7...
期刊名称:《Cancer Cell International》 | 2012年第-1期 关键词: Carcinogenesis Default state Systems biology Proliferation Oncogenes; 57.TRAIL and vitamins: opting for keys to castle of cancer proteome instead of open sesame 机译:TRAIL和维生素:选择通往癌症蛋白质组城堡的钥匙而不是开放芝麻 作者:Am...
AXL的丰度通过人总Axl DuoSet IC ELISA试剂盒(R&D Systems,货号:DYC1643-2)进行测量,并按裂解物中的总蛋白含量进行标准化。 GAS6浓度通过人Gas6 DuoSet ELISA试剂盒(Novus Biologicals,货号:DY885B)进行测量。 为了评估每个细胞分泌的GAS6量,测得的浓度乘以总上清液体积,然后除以培养后培养皿中的细胞数量,以得出...
期刊名称:《Cell Stress Chaperones》|2014年第5期 2.Metallothionein and stress combine to affect multiple organ systems 机译:金属硫蛋白和压力结合在一起会影响多个器官系统 作者:Michael A. Lynes;Juan Hidalgo;Yasmina Manso;Lindsey Devisscher;Debby Laukens;David A. Lawrence ...
期刊名称:《BMC Cell Biology》|2018年第-1期 关键词: TLRs Mannan oligosaccharide Mitochondria Radiation protection ROS Mitochondrial membrane potential NFκB; 8.Establishment and comparison of air-liquid interface culture systems for primary and immortalized swine tracheal epithelial cells ...
NLM刊名缩写:Eukaryot Cell 数据库引入:PubMed: v1n1, Feb. 2002-v14n12, Dec. 2015, PMC MeSH词表主题词:Cell Physiological Phenomena; Eukaryotic Cells/physiology*; Molecular Biology 备注:Title from cover. Print issues ceased with v.6, no. 12 (Dec. 2007). Some articles展开▼ ...
期刊名称:《Cancer Cell International》|2012年第-1期 关键词: Carcinogenesis Default state Systems biology Proliferation Oncogenes; 47.TRAIL and vitamins: opting for keys to castle of cancer proteome instead of open sesame 机译:TRAIL和维生素:选择通往癌症蛋白质组城堡的钥匙而不是开放芝麻 ...
期刊名称:《Cell Journal (Yakhteh)》 | 2016年第2期 关键词: Annexin A1 Parkinson’s Disease PC12 Cells ROS; 36.Evaluation of Mouse Oocyte In Vitro MaturationDevelopmental Competency in Dynamic CultureSystems by Design and Construction of A Labon A Chip Device and Its Comparison withConventional...