However, it has been limited to fabricate highly efficient n-on-p single-junction GaAs thin film solar cell on a flexible substrate due to technical obstacles. We investigated a simple and fast epitaxial lift-off (ELO) method that uses a stress originating from a Cr/Au bilayer on a 125-...
a method useful for modeling of mitochondrial genetic disorders and developing novel therapeutic modalities. Here, we report that A-to-G-editing TALEDs but not C-to-T-editing DdCBEs induce
20.Proteome integral solubility alteration high-throughput proteomics assay identifies Collectin-12 as a non-apoptotic microglial caspase-3 substrate 机译:蛋白质组积分溶解度改变高通量蛋白质组学测定将 Collectin-12 鉴定为非凋亡小胶质细胞半胱天冬酶-3 底物 作者:Grabert Kathleen;Engskog-Vlachos Pinelopi;...
and,directlyorindirectly,inmost diseaseprocesses. ” Cellsignalingisabroadandfrequentlyconfusingfield.Thisoverviewdescribes someoftheexcitingnewtechnologiesthatpromisetodriveresearchviamore specific,user-friendlyassays,reagents,andservices,andthedevelopmentofnew inhibitors.ByLynneLederman...
(2) inside metal layer to the the Texture substrate and high reflectivity to light to capture the effect, increase the degree of light absorption layer ι. (3) combined with the more narrow than the a-Si Band Gap materials to form a laminate structure. 圖4-50 The high efficiency of a ...