Year Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles Total Cites 2023 (2024 update) 28.1 50 27759 2022 44.1 - 29723 2021 46.297 - 29215 2020 25.617 93 24108 2019 20.507 61 16237 2018 17.848 68 15131 2017 15.393 76 13728 2016 15.606 75 11885 2015 14.812 75 10393 2014 12.413 80 9195 2013 11.981 80 ...
Journal Impact Factor 1 NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 46,307 55.470 2 CELL 258,178 38.637 3 NATURE MEDICINE 85,220 36.130 4 CANCER CELL 41,064 26.602 5 Cell Metabolism 39,581 21.567 6 Cell Stem Cell 26,470 20.860 7 CELL RESEARCH 16,237 20.507 8 NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 41,904 20.042...
Journal Impact Factor 1 NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 46,307 55.470 2 CELL 258,178 38.637 3 NATURE MEDICINE 85,220 36.130 4 CANCER CELL 41,064 26.602 5 Cell Metabolism 39,581 21.567 6 Cell Stem Cell 26,470 20.860 7 CELL RESEARCH 16,237 20.507 8 NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 41,904 20.042...
Journal Impact Factor 1 Cell Stem Cell 26,470 20.860 2 Bone Research 1,679 11.508 3 npj Regenerative Medicine 417 7.021 4 Stem Cells Translational Medicine 5,639 6.429 5 Stem Cell Reports 7,834 6.032 6 STEM CELLS 20,554 6.022 7 Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews 3,603 5.724 8 Journal of...
《Stem Cell Reports》历年影响因子变化 《Stem Cell Reports》自2014年获得第一个影响因子5.365以来,其影响因子一直维持在一个较高的水平。根据公开数据,该期刊近几年的影响因子分别为:2015年7.023,2016年7.338,2017年6.537,2018年5.499,2019年6.032,2020年7.765,2021年7.294,至...
第二梯队期刊cell的系列大子刊(cancer cell,cell chemical biology,cell stem cell等等),当然cell的...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
PavelKolkhirPhD, ...MarcusMaurerMD, inAnnals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 2020 Stem Cell Factor Stem cell factor(SCF) is produced by fibroblasts andendothelial cellsand is the ligand of the mast cell receptor Kit. SCF is the major driver of mast cell differentiation, activation, migration...
Over its almost 20 years, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (SCRR), has become one of the most-read stem cell and regenerative medicine-focused journals. Thanks to the excellent work of our Section Editors, Editorial Board members, and dedicated reviewers, our most recent 2022 impact factor (IF...
Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Teeth JingZhao, ...Paul T.Sharpe, inEncyclopedia of Bone Biology, 2020 Stem Cell Niche of PDL It is widely accepted thatMSCpotential can be influenced by their local microenvironment.Stem cell nicherefers to the in vivo dynamic microenvironment where stem cells reside....