Molecular clocks that record cell ancestry mutate too slowly to measure the short-timescale dynamics of cell renewal in adult tissues. Here, we show that fluctuating DNA methylation marks can be used as clocks in cells where ongoing methylation and demet
CellPhoneDB, CellChat, SingleCellSignalR, and ICELLNET, obtained higher ranks than network-based and ST-based tools in both F1 score rank and recall rank, indicating the statistical-based methods are more similar with each other (Fig.9b). The overall better performances of statistical-based too...
Cell death is a mystery in various forms. Whichever type of cell death, this is always accompanied by active or passive molecules release. The recent years marked the renaissance of the study of these molecules showing they can signal to and communicate
The modeling framework can be obtained from (ref. 57). Inference of stem cell numbers on the spatial model To provide insights into the FMC signal from a first principles model of the homeostatic crypt (balanced birth/death with a ...
Signal intensities are normalized to the Input. Values are relative to TUG1-full length. Data are means ± SD, n = 3. Two-sided t-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Full size image Ultraviolet (UV)-crosslinking immunoprecipitation and qPCR (CLIP-qPCR) in ...
Thus, the status of CAFs and C1Q+ TAMs at time of diagnosis may predict clinical outcomes of CRC patients. Our findings indicate that CRCs are intricately linked to the stroma, suggesting stromal-targeted combinatorial approaches may be a potential treatment strategy. Targeting CAFs in solid tumors...
are low, allowing disordered regions to act as reversible, extremely sensitive sensors. In addition to chemical signals, environmental conditions may also instigate signaling pathways that detect mechanical stress, light, pH, or redox potential [26]. Once the signal is received, the response can be...
Cell Commun Signal. 2019;17:48. Kumar MP, Du J, Lagoudas G, Jiao Y, Sawyer A, Drummond DC, et al. Analysis of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Identifies Cell-Cell Communication Associated with Tumor Characteristics. Cell Rep. 2018;25:1458–68. https:...
[69]. As temporal gene expression modalities provide a window into a cell’s regulatory response following a drug treatment, integrating modalities may provide additional signal required for refining cell state or for identifying sources of variation and gene signatures that are specific to a cell’...
29,30,31,68,76,112,116 What remains to be determined is whether unique protein sensors of TCR-independent signaling networks (e.g., ‘signal 3′ cytokines) or other nutrients aside from amino acids exist, which may directly promote mTORC1 activation in T cells. In addition, besides the ...