分享回复赞 中国科学院大学吧 嘿forest嘿 #论文投稿#《Protein & Cell》 2022年最新发布影响因子稳步提高2022年6月28日,在科睿唯安发布的2021年度《SCI期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports)中,中国生物物理学会参与主办的期刊《Protein & Cell》2021年度影响因子为15.328,相较上一年度14.87有所提高,在SCI收录的...
Soft materials have been developed very rapidly in the biomedical field over the past 10 years because of advances in medical devices, cell therapy, and 3D printing for precision medicine. Smart polymers are one category of soft materials that respond to environmental changes. One typical example...