cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR) project(Cell3DDemonstration) find_package(VTK COMPONENTS CommonColor CommonCore CommonDataModel InteractionStyle RenderingContextOpenGL2 RenderingCore RenderingFreeType RenderingGL2PSOpenGL2 RenderingOpenGL2 ) if (NOT VTK_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Cell3DDem...
Making a 3D plant cell model is a common science class project. Use a Styrofoam sphere and mold shapes from play dough to represent the elements of a plant cell. All the materials needed to build a 3D plant cell model made of Styrofoam and play dough can be purchased at most local and ...
Deconvoluting cell-state abundances from bulk RNA-sequencing data can add considerable value to existing data, but achieving fine-resolution and high-accuracy deconvolution remains a challenge. Here we introduce MeDuSA, a mixed model-based method that le
Define Mesh object and encompassing Model class. Define set of basic shape mesh generation; plane, cube, disk, sphere, cylinder, torus (donut) Load artist defined 3D models w/ Assimp. Note: Assimp is built as a static library that is statically linked/merged with Cell. I also built the ...
All 3D images were deconvoluted with open-source software DeconvolutionLab256 with theoretical point spread function (PSF) based on Born–Wolf model generated by PSF Generator57. Both 2D and 3D images were smoothed with a Gaussian filter along the X, Y, and time axes. 3D images were upsample...
The clustered Seurat object was import Monocle2 and differentialGeneTest function with CellType as full model in differential expression tests (fullModelFormulaStr) was used to calculate the variance in each gene’s expression across cells. The chosen variable genes were used to define a ...
A 3D multi-component multi-phase lattice Boltzmann model is developed to model the realistic two-phase flow in the flow channel of PEMFC. The presented model is validated by both static and dynamic benchmark tests. The realistic microstructure of the GDL is considered in the simulation for the...
Normally, the size of the cell mesh varies. It needs to be re-sampled to make the number of vertices in the model for each cell the same. This can be achieved by using the regular mesh in the parameter space for reconstruction. Subsequently, pairwise comparisons between different surface m...
epicardial cells, allowing us to (1) identify fetal epicardial subtypes, (2) create a library of epicardial markers for translating animal studies, (3) reveal an angiogenic program of epicardial communication not present in adult humans and (4) validate hESC-EPIs as a model of human fetal ...
In these scenarios, scProjection could also be used to project true single-cell measurements to another single cell atlas to perform upsampling, even if the original RNA measurements are not from mixed RNA samples. RNA projections are complementary to deconvolution methods. The goal of deconvolution...