1. 稿件已收到(submission received):稿件已成功收到,作者会收到提交成功的确认邮件。 2. 稿件分配编辑(editor invited):稿件已被分配给编辑。 3. 稿件正在被考虑(under evaluation):这一状态往往会出现多次,比如送审后、返修后等。 4. 稿件被发往科学顾问(to advisor):稿件被送往科学顾问,通常会有多个顾问对...
这里的“一稿多投”是指作者的同一篇文章再投稿给Cell Press旗下的期刊时,可以同时选择多本期刊,由被选中的基本期刊的评审专刊同时进行审稿(称为“集体审稿”(Community Review)模式),目的是增加文章送审的可能性,同时缩短文章从投稿到发表的时间。Cell Press“集体审稿”编辑Sejal Vyas在第九届国际同行评审与科学...
王荃:我于2018年6月加入Cell Press,目前在上海同时为Cell Reports和Cell Stem Cell两本期刊工作。 在此之前,我在哈佛医学院附属麻省眼耳医院从事博士后研究,主要关注内耳毛细胞再生。 鹏飞:怎样和Cell Press的编辑们取得联系? 王荃:最直接的是email交流,可以通过各个杂志的电子邮件地址联络某个编辑,也可以...
medically-oriented research, and data science. They also respond to a world where research is becoming more interdisciplinary. "Cell Press is a great environment for thinking about the bigger questions and connecting all the different elements of science," says Philip Earis, editor-in-chief of Jou...
Cell Press life and health science journals of your choice provide unified consideration of your manuscript via one handling editor who works closely with you, your chosen journals’ editorial teams, and expert reviewers from the field to help you navigate a path to publication with Cell Press. ...
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PressF2 Start typing. This activates the focused cell’s in-place editor to allow an end user to modify the value. To save the changes and close the editor, users should pressEnteror move focus to another cell. TheGridControlraises theGridViewBase.CellValueChangedevent after ...
You may want to change the default events that causes editor to open or close. For example, your editor might use Arrow Up and Arrow Down events to perform some actions (for example increasing or decreasing cell value) and you don't want EditorManager to close the editor when user press ...
什么样的情书才能撩到妹子,当然还是听听妹子想被怎么撩比较有参考意义。Cell Press旗下期刊的编辑们谈了谈他们内心深处的小秘密——cover letter要这样写才有魅力哦~(至少用来撩Cell Press的期刊是不错的) 编辑们想看啥? 1. 直奔重点。编辑们很...
Note: If the info_type argument in the CELL function is "format" and you later apply a different format to the referenced cell, you must recalculate the worksheet (press F9) to update the results of the CELL function. Examples Need more help? You can always ask an expert in the Excel ...