Genes创刊于2014年,和Cells一样隶属于MDPI数字出版社旗下,致力于报道所有与基因、遗传学和基因组学相关的主题。 期刊网址: 两者同为遗传学领域的期刊,在影响因子区间上区别并不大,新刊Genes略高于老刊Gene。前者最新影响因子...
通过对这些恢复菌株进行深度解析,发现了两种不同的非整倍体表型恢复途径:1.去除大多数额外的多余染色体组分;2.改变目标染色体的特定区域,与之前该领域的‘‘基因大规模作用(mass action of genes)’’和‘‘少数关键基因(few critical gene...
人体内SIRT1水平直接受NAD+水平的影响,随着年龄增长,振荡器和主时钟的NAD+水平下降,SIRT1水平下降,clock genes表达下降,导致固有周期变长,生物钟紊乱开始出现。 而日本赛乐瑞(CELLERATOR)则是通过补充NAD+直接前体,快速提升体内NAD+的水平,间接影响SIRT1水平达到调节生物钟的作用。生物钟调节到正常水平后,我们的睡眠质...
近年来,全基因组关联研究(Genome-wide association studies,GWAS)已鉴定出数千种与复杂表型相关的遗传变异。2017年发表在Cell杂志上的一篇文章对此提出一种创新的理解—“全方位基因模型(Omnigenic model)”【1】,即几乎所有基因都可以影响性状和疾病发生,在任何细胞中都可能存在50~100个核心基因(core genes)与指定性状...
Developmentally regulated expression of mil-1 and mil-2, mouse interferon-induced transmembrane protein like genes, during formation and differentiation of primordial germ cells. Mech. Dev. 119, S261–S267 (2002). Article PubMed Google Scholar Tam, P. P. & Zhou, S. X. The allocation of ...
Cell Genomics Cites / Doc. (4 years)Cites / Doc. (2 years) This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents...
genes, gene-environment and gene-gene interactions and renal cell cancerWe investigated the relationship between germline single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) inand, and their gene-environment and gene-gene interactions, and clear-cell RCC (ccRCC) risk. Furthermore, we assessed the relationship ...
在每个组织中,约50%的lncRNA基因检测为eGenes,约80%表达蛋白质编码基因(图2B)。除了观察到含有eQTLs的lncRNA基因丰度较低之外,还发现与蛋白质编码基因相比,lncRNA基因与其相关基因转录起始位点(TSS)之间的距离较短(图2C),表明lncRNA基因比蛋白质编码基因具有更简单的调控机制。此外,lncRNA eQTLs比编码蛋白质的...
Cell - DNA, Genes, Chromosomes: During the early 19th century, it became widely accepted that all living organisms are composed of cells arising only from the growth and division of other cells. The improvement of the microscope then led to an era during
activity during molting (Figure 2). Specifically, during metamorphosis, the larval muscle cells are degraded, and muscle-specific genes are downregulated (Figure 2B). Simultaneously, the development of the nervous system begins, and the genes involved in neuronal differentiation are induced (Figure 2...