细胞分裂与细胞周期 Cell Division and Cell Cycle 染色体正确复制与分离 细胞增殖的调控 内容 有丝分裂过程 染色体的运动 细胞周期各个时相的特点 细胞周期调控 细胞周期调控系统的分子组成 细胞周期调控机制 新的细胞周期如何起始 原癌基因和抑癌基因 正常细胞增殖与死亡的失衡 一、细胞分裂 (一)细胞分裂的类型 1....
CHAPTER 12 cell cycles and cell division OUTLINE 12.1 CELL CYCLE 12.2 REGULATION OF CELL CYCLE 12.3 MITOSIS 12.4 MEIOSIS 12.1 cell cycles 细胞周期是指连续分裂的细胞从 一次有丝分裂结束后开始生长到下次 有丝分裂终止所经历的全过程。在 这一过程中,细胞的遗传物质进行复 制并均等地分配给两个子细胞。
1、Chapter 9,Cell-Cycle and Cell Division,Overview of the cell cycle Regulation of the cell cycle Cell division,Cell-Cycle and Cell Division,根据增殖状况,细胞分类三类,连续分裂细胞(cycling cell) 休眠细胞(Go细胞) 终末分化细胞 G0期细胞和终末分化细胞的界限有时难以划 分,有的细胞过去认为属于终末...
细胞染色体division分裂cycle纺锤 CelldivisionCellCycle地址:紫金港医学院科研楼B705邮箱:zhuow06@gmail电话:***;*8858261209生命的尺度环境因素是指一个亲代细胞一分为二,形成两个子代细胞的过程。其是细胞生命活动基本特征之一,没有细胞的分裂,就没有生物的生长、发育、遗传和进化。无丝分裂(amitosis)有丝分裂(mitos...
The Cell Cycle and Cell Di i iDivision
Events of the Cell Cycle Interphase – time when cell isn’t dividing – can be long. Made up of 3 phases: G1 – cells grow and create new proteins and organelles S – chromosomes replicated and make DNA G2 – shortest of the three phases and organelles required for cell division made...
cell-division-cancer癌症和细胞分裂上传人:一*** IP属地:贵州 上传时间:2024-04-01 格式:PPT 页数:36 大小:2.81MB 积分:25 举报 版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩31页未读, 继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领文档简介...
Mitosis Meiosis 1 Division that produces 2 daughter cells 2 Divisions that produces 4 daughter cells Same # of chromosomes as the parent cell (diploid) Half the chromosomes of the parent cell (haploid) Genetically the same Genetically different combinations Help humans to grow and repair Used for...
Cell division is the most complex process undertaken by a single cell and must be stringently regulated to maintain fidelity of reproduction. Proliferative cells are in a continuous loop or cycle composed of four stages: S , during which DNA synthesis occurs, M (mitosis), G1 and G2. The ...