4f). Altogether, these observations suggest that cell rearrangements are not driven by the mitotic cell or its daughter cells in a direct cell autonomous manner. To further investigate how IKNM influences cell rearrangements, we asked if the high cell area heterogeneity in the presence of IKNM ...
We are increasingly accumulating molecular data about a cell. The challenge is how to integrate them within a unified conceptual and computational framework enabling new discoveries. Hence, we propose a novel, data-driven concept of an integrated cell, i
camelis a useful marker of the BVS development. Its maternal transcripts distribute uniformly, unlike the zygotic transcripts that demonstrate clearly defined expression pattern
DNA concentration was determined with SimpliNano spectrophotometer (GE Life Sciences), diluted to a final concentration of 10-15 ng/μL and genotyped on UK Biobank Axiom™ Arrays at the Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics, Sydney, Australia. Samples previously screened using Illumina arrays, were re-...
(mOSN) as terminal states, though only the first had an effect on the eventual cluster-based MST. Slingshot’s resulting lineage structure established the order of the two bifurcations, which was later validated. Specifically, it was demonstrated that sustentacular cells are produced via direct ...
Centre for Cancer Research, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Andrew W. Roberts Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Andrew W. Roberts Contributions L.T. developed the FLAMES package, performed experiments, conducted data analysis, and wrote the manuscript. ...
Centre for Bionetworking, 2014 Centre for Bionetworking Plenary Policy Panel: Standard Setting, Regulation and the Authorisation of Stem Cell Therapy Provision (2014) (Available at:) http://www.centreforbionetworking.org/global-life-science-bionetworking-cell-therapy-production-provision-policies/ ...
It is conceivable that some of our predicted TF pairs might cooperate via allosteric changes in DNA structure rather than direct protein-protein contacts. We previously showed that TF dimers were both rigid and compact, and hypothesized based on qualitative structural arguments that their rigidity was...
Without the genome sequence of the healthy cells from the patient, the difficulty of identifying somatic mutations in SH-SY5Y precludes any direct comparison to the somatic mutations in primary neuroblastoma tumours. Thus, we compared rare mutations in SH-SY5Y with the somatic mutations found in 87...
Understanding the genetic and nongenetic determinants of tumor protein 53 (TP53)-mutation-driven clonal evolution and subsequent transformation is a crucial step toward the design of rational therapeutic strategies. Here we carry out allelic resolution s