Cell Cycle Staining Buffer 细胞周期染色液 CCS01 ¥320.00 说明书 Size 50mL/50T 描述 引用文献 (222) 技术文章 用户评价 (0) 描述 1.产品简介 碘化丙啶(Propidium iodide, PI)可插入碱基之间而与DNA结合,其对碱基几乎没有序列偏好,每4 - 5个碱基对可结合一个染料分子。PI也能与RNA结合,需要用核酸酶处...
细胞周期与细胞凋亡检测试剂盒(Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Analysis Kit)采用了经典的碘化丙啶染色(Propidium staining,即PI staining)方法对细胞周期与细胞凋亡进行分析。 碘化丙啶 (Propidium,PI) 是一种双链DNA荧光染料,其嵌入双链DNA后可以产生荧光,并且荧光强度和
Cell Cycle Assay Kit-PI/RNase Staining试剂盒,可快速完成细胞周期的分析,操作简便。本产品使用碘化丙啶 (PI) 作为DNA荧光染料,通过流式细胞术得到细胞周期中G0/G1,G2和S期细胞的比例。 所需的设备和材料 – 流式细胞仪(碘化丙啶PI:λex=535 nm,λem=617 nm) –37℃培养箱 –PBS缓冲液 –1.5 ml微量...
细胞周期检测试剂盒(Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Kit) 是一种采用经典的碘化丙啶染色(Propidium staining,即 PI staining)方法进行细胞周期与细胞凋亡分析的检测试 剂盒。 碘化丙啶(Propidium,简称 PI)是一种双链 DNA的 荧光染料。碘化丙啶和双链 DNA 结合后可以产生荧光, ...
细胞周期与凋亡检测试剂盒(PI法)(Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Analysis Kit (PI)产品及特点: 本产品是一种采用经典的碘化丙啶染色(Propidium Staining,即PI staining)方法进行细胞周期与细胞凋亡分析的检测试剂盒。其染色原理为:碘化丙啶是一种双链DNA的荧光染料,其和双链DNA结合后可以产生荧光,并且荧光强度和双链...
5.2.5 Using markers for different phases of cell-cycle PI staining allows identification of the three distinct phases of cell cycle and is a good starting assay for identification of compounds with potential anti-cancer activity. However, some prediction models such as Watson Pragmatic or Dean-Jett...
Flow cytometric analysis of cell cycle with propidium iodide DNA staining 需要用到的试剂: Propidium Iodide (PI)/RNase Staining Solution (Cell Signaling Technology (valid) # 4087S ) 为什么不用EdU cell cycle?因为这和CTG的表型是一样的,重叠了。Prytusha的说法。
In order to elucidate the effect of cold shock on iPS cells, we performed cell-cycle analysis using a 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (EdU) proliferation assay combined with propidium iodide (PI) staining for total DNA content, and quantified the cell-cycle phase after EP and cold shock treatment...
细胞周期检测试剂盒(Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Analysis Kit)是一种采用经典的碘化丙啶染色(Propidium staining,即 PI staining)方法进行细胞周期与细胞凋亡分析的检测试剂盒。
e, f The cell cycle stage of Hep3B cells stably expressing indicated plasmids with or without 5-FU treatment was determined by PI staining and flow cytometry analysis. g Hep3B cells stably expressing USP27 knockdown constructs, USP27 knockdown plus Cyclin E overexpression plasmids, or control ...