The envelope-associated nucleoid (EAN) of Caulobacter crescentus has been isolated during major developmental stages in the cell cycle. The sedimentation coefficient of the Caulobacter EAN changes as a function of development and is closely correlated with the periodicity of DNA synthesis in this bacter...
Surface layers (S-layers) are proteinaceous, two-dimensional paracrystalline arrays that constitute a major component of the cell envelope in many prokaryotic species. In this study, we investigated S-layer biogenesis in the bacterial model organismCaulobacter crescentus. Fluorescence microscopy revealed l...
Figure 1: MopJ, a pleiotropic regulator controlling motility and cell cycle progression inCaulobacter crescentus. (a) Model showing the localization of His-Asp signalling proteins and its regulators along with MopJ duringCaulobacter crescentuscell cycle. The black bars show the abundance of the transcri...
Caulobacter undergo an asymmetric division each cell cycle to produce morphologically distinct progeny that have different fates: a motile, flagellated swarmer cell and a non-motile stalked cell (Fig. 1A). The swarmer cell is unable to enter S phase until it differentiates into a stalked cell,...
Caulobacter crescentusis an oligotrophic, Gram-negativeα-proteobacterium, frequently found in freshwater environments.C. crescentusundergoes asymmetric cell division, yielding two distinct progeny cells (Fig.1): a non-motile ‘stalked’ cell (st) immediately re-enters the cell cycle and initiates DNA ...
Whether virulence regulators can also control cell cycle transcription is unknown. Here we report that MucR proteins implement a hitherto elusive primordial S-G1 transcriptional switch. After charting G1-specific promoters in the cell cycle model Caulobacter crescentus by comparative ChIP-seq, we use...
Every cell cycle, Caulobacter crescentus divides asymmetrically to produce two different progeny, a swarmer cell and a stalked cell, each with distinct morphological features and regulatory programs (Figure 1a). The swarmer (G1-phase) cell is motile and unable to replicate its genome or to divid...
Coordinating development with the cell cycle in Caulobacter 上传人:cl6437·上传时间:2015-12-08 0/1 VIP精选文档 VIP文档折扣下载APP内阅读
Caulobacter crescentus initiates a single round of DNA replication during each cell cycle. Following the initiation of DNA replication, the essential CckA histidine kinase is activated by phosphorylation, which (via the ChpT phosphotransferase) enables the phosphorylation and activation of the CtrA global...
[21]Abel S, Jenal U (2010) Role of cyclic di-GMP in Caulobacter crescentus development and cell cycle control. In: Wolfe AJ, Visick KL, editors. The second messenger cyclic Di-GMP. Washington, DC: ASM Press. pp. 120–136. [22]Schmidt JM, Stanier RY (1966) The development of cellula...