细胞周期及调控cellcycleanditsregulation-powerpoint文档.ppt,细胞周期及其调控 Cell Cycle and its Controlling 导师:梁建生 学生:张圆 2001年诺贝尔生理医学奖获奖者 一、细胞周期(Cell Cycle) 细胞周期的概念及时相的划分。 细胞周期中的细胞类群及细胞周期转换点
细胞周期调控定 Regulation of the cell cycle.ppt,cyclinB ↓ APC 降解 ↓ MPF解聚、失活 组蛋白去磷酸化 ↓ 染色体去凝集 核纤层蛋白去磷酸化 ↓ 核膜组装 核形成 肌球蛋白去磷酸化 ↓ 收缩环溢缩、分裂沟加深 胞质分裂 MPF在细胞退出M期中的作用 检测点(checkpoint):
Cyclins: -proteins that regulate cell cycle in eukaryotic cells High cyclin = cell division Low cyclin = no cell division Cyclins: Messages from within the cell: internal regulators Messages from outside cell: external regulators Both control the production of cyclin Cancer: Uncontrolled Growth Cancer...
Levels of this protein rose and fell with the cell cycle so it was named ___ because it seemed to control the cell cycle. A whole family of CYCLINS have since been discovered that regulate the ___ in EUKARYOTIC CELLS INTERNAL REGULATORS CYCLIN TIMING of CELL CYCLE Pearson Education Inc; P...
1、Chapter 9,Cell-Cycle and Cell Division,Overview of the cell cycle Regulation of the cell cycle Cell division,Cell-Cycle and Cell Division,根据增殖状况,细胞分类三类,连续分裂细胞(cycling cell) 休眠细胞(Go细胞) 终末分化细胞 G0期细胞和终末分化细胞的界限有时难以划 分,有的细胞过去认为属于终末...
细胞增殖及其调控 Cell proliferation and its regulation.ppt,Mitogens stimulate G1-Cdk and G1/S-Cdk activities A simplified model of one way that mitogens stimulate cell division DNA damage checkpoint: Cell-cycle progression is blocked by DNA damage and p5
四章细胞周期thecellcycle CH4細胞週期(TheCellCycle)一、細胞分裂扮演之角色(Thekeyrolesofcelldivision):(一)細胞分裂的功能為生殖、生長與修補 (Celldivisionoffunctionsreproductiongrowth,andrepair)(二)細胞分裂將兩套相同的染色體分佈在兩個子細胞(daughtercell)內(Fig.12.3)CH4細胞週期(TheCellCycle)CH4細胞週期...
coliandB. subtilis, tightly regulate cell cycle progression to achieve consistent cell size distributions and replication dynamics. Many of the hallmark features of these model bacteria, including lateral cell wall elongation and symmetric growth and division, do not occur in mycobacteria. Instead, ...
E3 ubiquitin ligases play essential roles in the degradation and regulation of CKIs during cell cycle progression. During the G2/M phase, the targeting of CKIs for degradation is primarily mediated by the APC/C E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. At other phases of the cell cycle, CRL complexes als...
Cell cycle regulation is of pivotal importance for plant growth and development. Although plant cell division shares basic mechanisms with all eukaryotes, plants have evolved novel molecules orchestrating the cell cycle. Some regulatory proteins, such as cyclins and inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases...