Mediate nerve cell communication. soluble chemical signaling 2.Endocrine signal Also called endocrine hormone. Released by endocrine cells, arrives at target cell through blood circulation and functions by binding to their receptor. Long action time. Sorts: ①based on chemical nature: N-containing ...
conventionthesignalingactivatedintheEph-expressing cellisconsideredforwardsignaling. EphA2canbeactivatedbytwodifferentmechanisms. Activationbyinteractionwithephrin-A1causesphos- phorylationofEphA2thatgeneratesananti-oncogenic signalasshownbytheobservation that forced activation ...
Cell Communication and Signaling 2013, 11:57 Page 3 of 12 http://.biosignaling/content/11/1/57 Munc18c is a novel PTP1B substrate The elevated Munc18c tyrosine phosphorylation upon PTP1B deficiency promoted us to test whether Munc18c is a direct substrate of PTP1B. Wild type PTP1B ...
Cell to Cell Communication 星级: 34 页 Cell apoptosis is the difference between cell death and programmed cell death 星级: 4 页 Cell-Cell Contact Preserves Cell Viability via Plakoglobin 星级: 9 页 5 Cell Cycle and Cell Division 星级: 3 页 Cell Lab including Cell Theory 星级: 5 页...
医学SCI期刊推荐:Cell Communication and Signaling 今天小佩为大家推荐的是一本细胞生物学领域的杂志《Cell Communication and Signaling》。创刊于2003年,由英国著名出版集团BMC负责出版发行,是一本老牌的经典刊物。 ISSN:1478-811X 01影响因子 该期刊近几年的影响因子不稳定,2017-2019年呈下降趋势,2022年影响因子升...
Cell Communication and Signaling 为国际细胞死亡协会中的一员。此开放获取期刊专注于出版细胞间信号传递领域重大研究进展,致力于正常和病理条件下细胞信号通路的研究。 Cell Communication and Signaling 接收有关细胞死亡各个领域的原创性稿件,...
近日,我院腹膜后肿瘤外科罗成华教授团队在国际期刊《Cell Communication and Signaling》(IF=7.525)发表题为“The Janus-faced role of TRPM2-S in retroperitoneal liposarcoma via increasing ROS levels”的研究论文。我院罗成华教授、肖萌萌主...
近日,我院腹膜后肿瘤外科罗成华教授团队在国际知名期刊《Cell Communication and Signaling》(IF=7.525)发表题为“The Janus-faced role of TRPM2-S in retroperitoneal liposarcoma via increasing ROS levels”的研究论文。我院罗成华教授、肖萌萌主治医师与首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院闵力副教授为共同通讯作者,我院硕士...
6、differentiation Stimulate B cells into antigens VEGF Autocrine Signaling vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), produced by carcinoma cells, acts through autocrine signaling on carcinoma cells.Paracrine signaling a form of cell-cell communication in which a cell produces a signal to induce chang...
Welcoming basic and translational aspects of cell communication and signaling research that influence cellular morphology, structure, and function in both ...