Reproducibility/Validation Reproducibility and Validation In this digital library, you will find resources to help guide you through your experiments starting in the design phase, selecting the right tools, through optimization and troubleshooting. Also available to assist you in your research, we have ...
R. The Caenorhabditis elegans Six/sine oculis class homeobox gene ceh-32 is required for head morphogenesis. Dev. Biol. 236, 289–303 (2001). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Andachi, Y. Caenorhabditis elegans T-box genes tbx-9 and tbx-8 are required for formation of hypodermis and ...
Immunotherapy has significantly advanced cancer treatments, but many patients do not respond to it, partly due to immunosuppressive mechanisms used by tumor cells. These cells employ immunosuppressive ligands to evade detection and elimination by the imm
A multi-class Random Forest classifier is then trained with the transformed training data. The query scRNA-seq data will also be pair-transformed, and a classification score is generated for each query cell. (B) A representative example of the fifteen pairs of cross-platform scRNA-seq training...
Multi-modal single cell RNA assays capture RNA content as well as other data modalities, such as spatial cell position or the electrophysiological properties of cells. Compared to dedicated scRNA-seq assays however, they may unintentionally capture RNA f
The chemokine receptor CCR5 is one of the co-receptor of HIV-1 infection. People with homozygous CCR5Δ32 deletion resist HIV-1 infection, which makes the CCR5 an important target for HIV-1 gene therapy. Although the CRISPR/Cas9 has ever been used for HI
A nuclei object image is generated from these predictions as a single pixel dilation of binary objects resulting from the selection of the pixels that have the highest probability of belonging to the nucleus interior class, after removing nuclei below a configuration size threshold. The nuclei ...
Overall, algorithms using TF-IDF binarization have consistently high accuracy in all 2-class experiments, with existing methods and algorithms using TF-IDF based gene selection showing a higher degree of variability in accuracy across datasets. For remaining results we eliminated 8 methods that show ...
The development of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics methods was instrumental in the conception of the Human Cell Atlas initiative, which aims to generate an integrated map of all cells across the human body. These technology advances are bringing
Structural basis for a major histocompatibility complex class Ib-restricted T cell response. Nat Immunol. 2006;7:256–64. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge Prof. Min Cui from Huazhong Agricultural University (China) for her ...