Cell Chemical Biology刊文量最多的国家是美国,其次是德国,然后是英国、中国、加拿大等国家。 图7 2016-2020年Cell Chemical Biology刊文量国别统计(来源:Web of Science) 5.版面费 Cell Chemical Biology期刊的版面费为8900美元/7600欧元。 6.自引率 Cell Chemical ...
投稿经验: cell系列子刊cell chemical biology,由cell旗下的老牌期刊chemistry&biology改名而来,应该是cell系列想要建立类似nature chemical biology的新子刊,现在影响因子蹭蹭的往上涨,将来预计会和nature chem bio不分伯仲。 投稿cell和molecular cell悲剧之后编辑建议转投cell reports或者cell chemical biology,最终还是决定...
the title Chemistry & Biology, the journal was the first to recognize the growing importance of investigations done at the interface of chemistry and biology, and its mission has always been to support and promote chemical biology and conversation and collaboration between chemical and life sciences....
尽管同行评审制度已经饱受诟病,但《Cell Chemical Biology and Structure》的高级编辑,Milka Kostic却不这么认为,她对自己第一次审稿经历有着美好的回忆,且记忆犹新,对同行评审仍充满信心。我们来看看她是怎么说的,同行评议是否还有春天呢? Milka的第一次审稿印象 《Cell Chemical Biology and Structure》的高级编辑,Mi...
现在Cell Press细胞出版社旗下已有27本期刊加入了Cell Press Multi-Journal Submission审稿服务,其中有21本为SCI期刊(蓝色为SCI期刊)分别是:Cell、CancerCell、Cell Chemical Biology、Cell Genomics、Cell Host & Microbe、Cell Metabolism、Cell Reports、Cell Reports Met...
Cell Chemical Biology Cell Genomics Cell Host & Microbe Cell Metabolism Cell Reports Cell Reports Medicine Cell Reports Methods Cell Reports Physical Science Cell Reports Sustainability Cell Stem Cell Cell Systems Chem Chem Catalysis Current Biology ...
ACS Chemical Biology生物生化与分子生物学4.3742区1554-8929 ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA生物生化与分子生物学2.5022区1672-9145 ACTA BIOCHIMICA POLONICA生物生化与分子生物学1.626N/A0001-527X ADDICTION BIOLOGY生物生化与分子生物学4.223N/A1355-6215 ...
第二梯队期刊cell的系列大子刊(cancer cell,cell chemical biology,cell stem cell等等),当然cell的...
Current Biology Developmental Cell Device Immunity iScience Joule Matter Med Molecular Cell Neuron One Earth Patterns Star Protocols Structure 问:如何申请使用中文汉字署名? 答:非常简单!如果你投稿的期刊支持这项服务,请在Word文档中添加,具体说明请参考每本期刊作者指南部分 (Proof期间也可以提交中文名字哦)。