Hello, I have a query… A1 could contain either the text ‘Team One’ or ‘Team Two’. B1 will contain a number. I want the colour of B1 to change, dependant firstly on what Text is in A1 and ... Using 6 custom conditional formatting rules you can do this. S...
1. stop the cells (M:Q) with no data turning red until a value is input or (even better) 2. Make the name cell (A:B) fill red if the value of any M:Q < K ? Thanks in advance! RhiLew Happy New Year too or (even better) Make the name cell (A:B) fi...
Learn how to quickly highlight entire rows based on a cell value in Excel: using one or several colors, if cell starts with specific text, based on several conditions, and more.
Solved: I have table from the Dashboard, where I need to change color of whole row based on status. my table will look like this. Version Count
1. "Aging" row to change the colour of a single cell which is below 50 to Green and if it is above 50 to Red. "SLA" row to change the color of a single cell which is below and equal to 2 to Green and if it is equal to 3 to Amber and if it is greater than 3 to be...
To change the color of already filled cells:prettyprint 复制 Sub ColourB() Dim r As Long Dim m As Long On Error GoTo ExitHere: m = Range("A:B").Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = 1 To m If Ran...
Change property type for an existing object Change Service Log on with powershell script Change Shortuct Target path - Powershell Change SID on files & folders Change the location of an image manually in Powershell Change the value of an array element in ForEach loop? Changing contents of a...
How to Change the cell colour if i have negative value 02-14-2018 11:24 PM I need to change the colour of the cells in the coloum if the diffbwcol is negative to red if positive green Solved! Go to Solution. Message 1 of 6 5,540 Views 0 Reply 2 ACCEP...
Change the mark type to Square Add a "dummy" field with calculation "" on both rows and columns, the uncheck "Show Header" on both. Increase the square size until it fills the cells. I've attached a sample workbook. Dan Expand Post Unknown file type Hard-coded ...
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