molecular cell biology分子细胞生物学中文译版lodish 《分子细胞生物学》中文译版由科学出版社于2007年出版,作者是H.莫塞莱、A.帕拉德、J. A.斯旺森、D.沃特森。 该书以通俗易懂的方式,深入浅出地介绍了细胞的结构与功能、DNA复制、转录和加工、蛋白质合成和运输、细胞的物质运输和能量转换、细胞的分裂与增殖等...
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Molecular Cell BiologyInstant Access Ninth Edition|©2021 Harvey Lodish; Arnold Berk; Chris A. Kaiser; Monty Krieger; Anthony Bretscher; Hidde Ploegh; Kelsey C. Martin; Michael Yaffe; Angelika AmonFormat Packages E-book from $84.99 ISBN:9781319365028 Achieve $124.99 ISBN:9781319365059 Loose-...
Molecular cell biology 3.0doi:10.1016/S0307-4412(97)88293-3JHWalkerSDOSBiochemical Education
Molecular Cell Biology 5th ed Lodish et al分子细胞生物学英文原版教材教程电子书下载113 下载积分: 1800 内容提示: and sheep, are marked by the formation of tangled filamen-tous plaques in a deteriorating brain (Figure 3-14). The amy-loid filaments composing these structures derive fromabundant ...
作者: JP Armitage 摘要: molecular cell biology: by james darnell, harvey lodish, and david baltimore, w. h. freeman/scientific american, 1986. 19.95 pbk/42.95 hbk (xxxv + 1187 pages) isbn 0 7167 6001 0 DOI: 10.1016/0166-2236(87)90046-4 年份: 1987 收藏...
CELLBIOLOGY细胞生物学-复旦大学精品课程.ppt, Reference book Alberts B et al. Molecuar Biology of the Cell, 4rd ed. New York and London:Garland Publishing,Inc. 1983,1989,1994; 2002. Alberts B et al. Essential Cell Biology. New York and London:Garland pu
Written by Harvey F. Lodish Professor of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Member, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Coauthor ofMolecular Cell Biology. Harvey F. Lodish, Jonathan M.W. Slack ...
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