细胞与基因治疗(Cell and Gene Therapy, CGT)是一种是一种通过基因表达、沉默或体外改造手段,在蛋白质水平进行调控的疗法,为癌症、遗传病等疑难杂症提供突破性治疗方案。传统疗法多针对疾病症状,CGT则尝试从根本上修复致病机制。近年来,尽管面临技术、伦理与成本等限制,细胞与基因治疗仍凭借其精准医学的特点,引领医学...
Connect to a partner with over 30 years of CGT manufacturing experience and robust supply chain expertise. You can rely on our experts to help ensure you meet cGMP requirements for raw materials, manufacturing formulation and sterility. Learn more Rely on high quality cell and gene therapy product...
Connect to a partner with over 30 years of CGT manufacturing experience and robust supply chain expertise. You can rely on our experts to help ensure you meet cGMP requirements for raw materials, manufacturing formulation and sterility. Learn more Rely on high quality cell and gene therapy product...
Cell & Gene Therapies Access our end-to-end cell & gene therapy services supporting drug developers at every stage of their journey. As a leading Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) in CGT, we provide comprehensive solutions that accelerate the development, manufacturing and ...
Optimize cell & gene therapy manufacturing with Title21's orchestration software. Ensure compliance, data integrity & scalable processes.
在快速发展的 生物医药 领域,细胞基因疗法(Cell & Gene Therapy,CGT)作为新兴的 精准医疗 手段,已经展现出巨大的潜力和市场前景。CGT概念提出至今已有半个多世纪,但相较于化学药物和生物靶向药,其发展仍处于相对早期阶段。然而,正是这一早期阶段,蕴含着无限的
细胞与基因治疗( Cell and Gene Therapy, CGT)是一种通过基因表达、沉默或体外改造手段,在蛋白质水平进行调控的疗法。基因载体的体内递送目前常见的基因载体分为非病毒载体和病毒载体。非病毒载体包括质粒或裸露DNA(非病毒)、LNP递送系统等,但体内转染效果差、毒性大,严重制约了非病毒载体的临床转化。病毒载体则包括...
细胞与基因治疗( Cell and Gene Therapy, CGT)是一种通过基因表达、沉默或体外改造手段,在蛋白质水平进行调控的疗法。基因载体的体内递送目前常见的基因载体分为非病毒载体和病毒载体。非病毒载体包括质粒或裸露DNA(非病毒)、LNP递送系统等,但体内转染效果差、毒性大,严重制约了非病毒载体的临床转化。病毒载体则包括...
Therapy Summit, which took place on March 19, 2024, in San Francisco, CA. A one-day event bringing together the leading experts and executives in the cell and gene therapy space, the action-packed agenda was curated to inspire, educate, and connect the people shaping the future of CGT. ...
Continuing advances in cell and gene therapy (CGT) are transforming how biopharma companies treat and potentially cure certain diseases. Browse our collection of articles for an in-depth look at the opportunities, challenges, and implications for stakeho