今天,Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult(简称“CGT Catapult”)独一无二的细胞与基因疗法制造中心由英国商务大臣格雷格-克拉克(Greg Clark)和英国科学大臣山姆-吉马(Sam Gyimah)正式揭牌。 在来自英国政府产业战略基金的超过6000万英镑投资的支持下,这座制造中心将在英国支持并开发迅速发展的全球细胞与基因治疗产业,同时展...
Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (CGT Catapult) Annual Review 2021 released showcases the growing, positive impact the organisation is having on the UK cell and gene therapy industry with a growing number of companies investing and operating in the UK. The past year has emphasised the strength and...
This article examines in detail one such agency, the United Kingdom’s Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (CGTC). We describe CGTC’s role as an accelerator agency and its value narrative, which combines both “health and wealth.” Drawing on the notion of sociotechnical imaginaries, we unpack...